Thursday, August 1, 2019

School budget - real dollars:
Transportation / busing costs shown on school budget as $400,000.00 from state, yesterday state budget release shows gansett receiving actual $443,238.00.
gansett proposed budget shows chapter 70 at $938,544.00, and the state budget shows chapter 70 at $9,951,444.00
gansett proposed budget shows charter school reimbursement at $15,000.00, state budget shows it at $20,638.00.
So, there seems to be some adjustment made or at the very least, a run through the dollars again before and at the joint town meeting.

When considering school funding, consider this:
The message in the NRSD budget presentation,
under goals: equitable support both elementary schools.
(even as the district has presented it would be cheaper to close Phillipston elementary school.
under state of the district:
Number of students attending NRSD has been consistent.
Their chart shows foundation enrollment going down while student enrollment going up.
Number of Phillipston students equal or surpassed by school choice students. Does that mean if the school committee opted to not take part in school choice (accepting students from out side of the district) the student population would go down, as in smaller class sizes merely by attrition rather than by manipulation?
Table also shows students choosing to school choice out has remained consistent, while school choice in has been on increase. Message should be, if you wish to attend NRSD, move to Templeton and pay taxes to support the town / district and enjoy the benefits of a new elementary school. Does that new school mean increase in test scores? Asking for a friend.
You may go to the Templeton Town website and find the charts, etc. to check this information for yourself. Go to, click on find it fast, then T and look for either town meeting information of town budget, click on FY20 budget book and go to page 328 and you should see all the school information as presented. Enjoy!
If you are going to vote, you should look at these numbers for yourself


  1. When and if you look on page 328 try and find the "School Choice" money in that mess...........nope, not there. Thats $1.4 million dollars.

    Why are we here? Page 328 shows the towns need to come up with $1.2 million to get to a $20.3 million dollar budget, but they forget or just avoid to put the school choice money into the equation, why?
    Now we are at a $19.7 million budget looking for more money................why?

  2. Also, when you look at page 328 notice the difference in the Chapter 70 funding.

    I see no School Choice money $1.4 million dollars
    Then I see an additional $500k in finding...........but we still need more money..........really?
