Tuesday, August 13, 2019

All regional school districts can now be listed in the same category as municipal / state governments - financially questionable. Why would I post that you ask / ponder.
And if you share or copy, please include the details;
June 4, 2019, Narragansett FY2020 "budget" spread sheet shows Templeton minimum contribution at $4,618,384.00, while the department of education (DESE) shows it to be $4,621,299.00 for FY2020. The DESE information comes from the web page of MA department of education (DESE) and this same web page shows chapter 70 state aid at $9,951,444.00 while the above referenced spread sheet from NRSD shows FY2020 chapter 70 money at $9,938,544.00. Please keep in mind, the dollar figures from NRSD were put together BEFORE the final state budget was signed with no veto's, by the governor.
Also note, state aid is based off of information provided by the district on October 1 of the previous year. In this case, October 1, 2018, which in calendar time is less than one year ago. In financial terms, it appears to be two years behind, hence you might have heard (more than once) school superintendent state, the information is two years behind. Fiscally speaking, I suppose one could make that argument, however, I am a simple lil' ole guy, so to me, it is less than a year old. That is just how my rusty old rolladex works.
In short, if anyone expects something other than a no vote at the district meeting, I need to see a detailed and up to date, breakdown of town spending on schools.

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