Sunday, July 28, 2019

So the Templeton fire chief says the fire department office will be closed on some days in reaction to possible cuts in town budget, he will be in the ambulance as a responder to calls. Okay, say the chief rides the ambulance with a patient, to the hospital; checking in, doing paper work etc, there is a large fire in Templeton, how will the chief respond to that?
What about the billing, why is the fire chief doing billing, I mean the sewer commissioners were told the Town has a Town Collector so all Town collections should be done there, why not have ambulance billing done there as well, if you are going to bill additionally for a town service.
I looked at Ashburnham, MA, costing of accountant services: $85,040.00 and then at Templeton costing of accountant services: $193,470.00 ($28,000.00 for audit expense included)
Can the case be made for Templeton to do business in a different way resulting in better use of tax dollars?

1 comment:

  1. burned out houses left for five years no action from the BOH
    DPW not doing their job per the VSO these are just some of the things not getting done Don't look for any more because you will find so many things not getting done you will wonder why you pay taxes But yet we have our accountant going to Hubbardston 10 hours a week and getting paid 7,500 more and the her assistant now at full time and paid benefits and the BOS let us staying the agreement with Hubbardston. OH yes lets give the MGMT fellow a 37.9% pay increase for his lack of experience all this and we are cutting the police and fire. Great job BOS and TA
