Sunday, May 12, 2019

What to expect from Selectmen Jeff Bennett: Engaged, Accountable and Transparent.

Why run for selectmen?

1.   There is a need for Town Residents to seek elective office or volunteer for committees, commissions etc. That is the form of government we have:

from Selectmen's Handbook:

Governance by committee, which is what Templeton has.

Most people may think the Board of Selectmen are all powerful, political leaders of the Town, at the top of the government pyramid.

That is far from the truth; Selectmen may be the principal administrative officers of the Town; other boards may wield as much authority, or more, as the selectmen, examples would be Planning Board and the Board of Health.

Very often, Selectmen do not have the only word or even the last word on what gets done in Town. (

If elected as a member of the Board of Selectmen, I expect my initial time to be focused on the immediate issue of school funding, depending on what happens at Town Meeting and Town Election, regarding ballot question concerning override.

If you wish to know how I will vote while in the voting booth; quite frankly; none ya business.

I cannot control what may or may not happen in the future with regards to override and school assessment, but I know the many options / scenarios possible and will be ready to deal with those as they come. The school budget and override is a voter’s issue that they will decide, as it should be. That said, if elected, I would be the only sitting selectmen who has experience in the process of a 1/12th school budget, district joint meeting, etc, if it comes to that.

Looking further down the road:

I attend meetings, miss as few as possible – I will not be a 50 percenter, as in only show for half the meetings.

Work for better transparency and clarity at meetings: rather than “motion to approve as presented” I would move to hear what is being voted on, appointments to committee; how many members, how many are we appointing and who they are. Have they served prior, etc. Are there enough members for a quorum?

Any Inter-municipal agreements, dollar figures listed within document, what is the cost benefit to Templeton?

Items involving large dollar figures, including IMAs, send to Advisory Committee for consideration; perhaps Town gets questions / concerns selectmen did not ask or missed.

Monthly review of expenditure report generated by accountant and be a regular attendee at Advisory Committee meetings.

I do not just sign the warrant for Town bills, I go through it and note any questions I may have for departments.

Accept no appointment to other boards, committees, etc., that I may, as a selectmen, oversee or appoint others to. [MGL 268A / conflict of interest]

Seek to amend previous Town Meeting vote concerning use of Ambulance receipts reserved for appropriation: either use for general fund or to support ambulance service.

If you are simply going to use ambulance receipts for general fund, why have the ambulance receipts fund in the first place?

Amend current by-law, either with support of select board or by petition, concerning Town budget preparation and presentation to Town Meeting.

Look into employment contract for Town Accountant. With Police Chief, Fire Chief, Highway superintendent, Treasure/Collector, Town Administrator having employment contracts, why not the accountant? Include job responsibilities, appointment time frame, period of expected certification, etc.

I support no pay/stipend for selectmen, especially now, with a very large looming financial issue; school assessment costs.

 I have no family in Town Government, I do not belong to any clubs or organizations within Templeton, I do not foresee any conflicts of interest arising for me when it comes to things that appear before the Board of Selectmen.

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