Wednesday, May 1, 2019

A message from a member of Council on Aging:
I watched the video of the Advisory Committee meeting for 4/25/2019. I am on the Board of Directors of the COA, but am speaking as a citizen of Templeton who visits the COA at least 2 - 3 times a week. Just to clarify two statements that were made by Mr. Spring. The line item for "carpeting" in the
COA budget is for the entry way which now has a PLYWOOD floor. Concerning the bathrooms - I have never seen the ladies' room in any condition except IMMACULATE, either when the custodian was on medical leave or when he was
working. I cannot attest to the condition of the men's room obviously.
Occasionally, if there is an "accident" in one of the bathrooms, the staff at the COA immediately dons the rubber gloves, grabs the bucket, soap and disinfectant and cleans up the area.
Thank you for the opportunity to clarify these two matters. When speculative statements are made publicly, it always affects the reputation of a department.
I appreciate the work and effort of all the boards and committees in the Town of Templeton. Thank you all for serving our town.
The above message came to me via my email address on Town website. I thank the individual for not only watching the meetings, but taking time to relay their thoughts and information to the Advisory Committee.

In case you missed it, this years budget (FY 2019) for Templeton emergency management was $1,000.00. After a proposal to increase that amount to $1,750.00 for (FY2020) which begins July 1, 2019, it was explained that over the last 10 years, over $60,000.00 in grants have come to Templeton via the Emergency Management department. So, when the appropriated amount for EM has been $1,000.00 and about $6,000.00 per year for ten years has been brought in, that is a pretty good return on investment or money spent. Those grants came with no added costs to local taxes (taxpayer). I believe that shows there is little concern for adding $750.00 to  an entity that regularly demonstrates value to the Town (residents) Emergency Management covers something called CERT; = community emergency response team, which does some mundane things like traffic crossing, as in the craft fair, mac n cheese party, motor palooza, etc, which brings attention to Templeton, probably brings exposure to Historical society, may bring in extra business to the country store along with aiding some fundraising efforts. 

That is an organization that looks for volunteers too! 

Hope this helps explain where and how some of your dollars go. 

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