Friday, April 12, 2019

from the Town Administrator.
Weekly Report We got some good news from Monty Tech in that they certified their FY ’19 budget at a new figure below the appropriation by roughly $8k. We have received the grant from the state for $30k to purchase the software for Hubbardston accounting and are beginning the negotiation of the 3 year IMA for shared accounting services. 
The Fire/EMS RFP is in final draft and should be on track to be issued on 04/18.
 We finalized the budget and warrant and are setting up a hearing with Town Counsel present to discuss the many by-law proposals and 34 warrant articles.
Templeton Selectmen get grant to pay for accounting software for another town! While you were out, selectmen created another benefits covered employee in the Templeton Town Accountant office; so now the Templeton Town Accountant can go to Hubbardston and do their books too!
The assistant pay went from $18,903.00 (19.5 hrs.) to $49,780.00 (38 hrs.) plus benefits. Town accountant now gets a $7,500.00 increase listed as 2nd town & equity. The pay for assistant does not include health insurance costs and retirement. Retirement cost increase for the next 15 years will be high due to the actuarial requirement for Worcester regional Retirement system to be fully funded in 15 years . Town Administrator stated this is an expense neutral move  through an inter-municipal agreement, Hubbardston will pay Templeton an amount to cover the salary of the assistant. So, do you see this as a good move for Templeton? Your full time Town Accountant will now be available less because she will be busy with other Towns. Now, hand over some more money to pay for increased schools and your roads are still crap. This works well for Hubbardston but not Templeton, again. Thank You selectmen Brooks, selectmen Richards, selectmen Caplis and selectmen Morrison! Good job???

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