Sunday, August 19, 2018

Laurel View Road and the Town of Templeton:

So far, the explanation is it will cost the Town (taxpayers) a lot of money to accept Laurel View Road. Why is that? After all, drive down Partridgeville Road and then drive Laurel View and tell me why the town plows one but does not wish to plow the other? The majority of the roads in Templeton are crappy, just like most towns and cities, so what is the big deal with one more of them. It seems like all these people ask for is equal protection under the law. They pay taxes and would like to receive at least a few service items for that money.

There is quite a bit of Town property on Laurel View Road, as in the light poles and wire, contact the Templeton Municipal Light department and ask what is the approximate cost of that wire per foot. Then ask what is the Town's responsibility with that wire and those poles; where does it end?

Truth is, there is always a way for things to get done and I do not think all of the options have been exhausted yet, how about special legislation so the town can take possession of the road without it meeting current standards so those taxpayers can get the road plowed in winter time and so the Town ambulance or fire trucks can get down there. They are after all paying more in taxes for that ambulance, but now the selectmen are telling them we cannot really help you much and we spent your money on lawyers to find ways to avoid helping you.

Again, I believe special legislation to accept this one road as is, get it surveyed by the company doing that work in town now and add it to the list of the many roads that need work. It should not be too hard or expensive to fix the few small issues listed as reasons why the town cannot plow the road. How much money was spent on scout hall and what are the plans for that? Looking at some paperwork from Town Hall and the selectmen / town administrator show estimates of $800,000.00 in "free cash" from FY 2018. Was there really a need for a tax increase to pay for ambulance service with that kind of money left over, either not spent or unexpectedly taken in. Remember the $190,000.00 left over from the last certified free cash explanation, so we are close to one million dollars of taxpayer money available for things. Now we just need the attitude from the selectmen of what can we do for you, the people we are suppose to look out for.

Rather than look for ways to not do it, find a way to do it; accept Laurel View Road and move on.

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