Friday, July 27, 2018

Chairman of the Board of Selectmen John Caplis asked the State Ethics Commission for advice about the conflict of interest law, MGL, chapter 268A.

Mr. Caplis has a medical consulting business located in Templeton. The one thing not mentioned in the letter sent to John Caplis from the state Ethics Commission is the fact the John Caplis served as the Templeton Veterans Service officer for a few years.

Become a Veterans Service officer for the Town, become a selectmen and then use those two positions to develop a client base and start a business to personally benefit oneself. (financially)

That is the conclusion I come to and that is my personal opinion.

I am interested in seeing the plan put before the Templeton Planning Board for things such as location, parking and all of those pesky things.

The letter from Ethics is on file with the Templeton Town Clerk's office.


  1. Don't be fooled by his down-home demeanor and country-boy ways; criminal defense lawyer Ben Matlock is worth every penny of his fee. Count on Matlock to visit the crime scene, scope out the clues everyone else missed, and dramatically reveal the real criminal (usually a killer) during a climactic trial...
    *insert matlock theme song here*

  2. Replies
    1. What is not funny is how it appears Mr. Call us is going to charge veterans for the service, these people should get for free from the Town's Veterans Agent !

    2. No such thing as “ free “ as people on this blog are always blogging about right ?? .
      The State mandates the town to have a veterans agent who services each town. This man seems if all is what it appears to me as a lay person ethical - again why are you singling out a Veteran in this case making a living ?

  3. Please explain what you are trying to post Bev. In detail because I have no reference to what you are posting.


  5. ? Yes and ? If he has no ethics issues I thought you were all for business and especially Veterans.
    What’s the issue ?

  6. Barney,

    Section 21A: Members of municipal commission or board; restrictions on appointments to certain positions
    Section 21A. Except as hereinafter provided, no member of a municipal commission or board shall be eligible for appointment or election by the members of such commission or board to any office or position under the supervision of such commission or board. No former member of such commission or board shall be so eligible until the expiration of thirty days from the termination of his service as a member of such commission or board.

    The provisions of this section shall not apply to a member of a town commission or board, if such appointment or election has first been approved at an annual town meeting of the town.

    Here is one of the last listings for veterans meetings on the town meeting list. See who is Chair?

    Look at town calendar of future meetings.........they have stopped! 1 person now listed on Veterans advisory board.

    Hmmm, with no meetings, no members appointed by the Board of Selectman it sure looks like the inaction, improper procedures benefits Johns new business. I didn't see the new business go before the Board of Selectman. I didn't here Selectman Fortes ask Caplis if he was a legal citizen?

    I do have a letter from Selectman Caplis stating He resigned from the veterans, but in all agenda listing he is listed as directors report ( john caplis).....

    You tell me is its a problem.

  7. This is the listing for the veterans advisory board as stated above.........

    Templeton, MA Community Veteran's Oversight Board
    For Town: Templeton, MA
    Name: Community Veteran's Oversight Board
    Chair: John Caplis
    Clerk: (see Members, below)
    Members: Michael Currie, Chair
    John Caplis
    Herb Ferran
    Sheila Pelletier

  8. John Caplis linkin profile shows............

    Director of Veteran Services
    Town of Templeton, Massachusetts
    April 2014 – Present (4 years 4 months)East Templeton, Massachusetts

    Which one is real.............??????? or are they all LIES????????

  9. Dear Barney,
    As you can clearly read at this point BOBM is well, let’s just say enthusiastic. If I’m not mistaken this is still a country where one can open a business in ones home without addressing the BOS. I don’t think Mr Caplis is purchasing a property or leasing but BOBM surely correct me- if I’m wrong.

    As to a poorly maintained or updated website - it is Templeton ... and well maybe Radio Shack technical team is out ..
    Mr Caplis is NOT the Veterans agent as I clearly heard and saw on a TCTV video a segment welcoming and shaking hands with the new VA agent. -
    If one has questions or needs assistance the state or federal VA # is available or even your state or federal rep I assume could clarify. But ! Barney, BOBM and company do not wish to clarify they wish to stir the muddy water of the Otter River and churn up all the TOXIC waste they can.

    1. As a matter of fact Mr. Caplis did just buy property. 38 Turner St Otter River for $377,000 on 6/28. He also owns 7 S. Main st which is were you can see his business sign.

      I guess you missed my sarcasm regarding the meeting, but he does need a business license a place of business and a legal parking space????? It's a great spot to be loading and unloading potentially disabled veterans right????

      Notice all post up until April 2018 state "Director report" (John Caplis) No meetings from that date forward are posted for the balance of the year.........

  10. Dear Barney, as expected now you know BOBM and company like to follow the goings on in town. My parents would call BOBM in this instance a nosy parker.
    Yes, I understand the ridiculous question proposed by Mr Fortes ( he seems to make them every time I watch the meetings so ... ya ) , and like I’ve said here before BOBM .. Mr Caplis is well, not perfect and not nearly as well researched as I would demand but —— it is Templeton after all.
    Congrats on the new home Mr Caplis ( if you are reading this ) I wish you and your family great happiness and success and I Thankyou for your service as well.

  11. Dear Barney,

    Public information is available to the public. I've listened to Mr. Caplis tell me that he understands people about taxes as he is "on a fixed income". I heard John bought a new home( good for him) but it must be a pretty nice fixed income if he can satisfy a $377,000 va loan on top of his present $238,000 loan on 7 S Main. I'm just saying that crying fixed income to Social Security recipients while pulling in a fixed income that would justify over $600,000 in mortgages is a little, well, incomparable.
    Oh, according to VA's loan calculator the income required to justify the $377,000 alone is over $7500 or $90,000 a year. Both of these properties are owned solely by John. I wish him well, but will call him out every single time he talks about his "fixed income" when talking to elderly people who state they get $1100 a month in Social Security and John says "well , I live on a fixed income too".

  12. Yes BOBM public information is available to the public and even more thru people who have access to other than that of “ free public “ access.
    Envy BobM just 1 of the deadly sins. There are others that apply to your comments as well.

    1. Not on your life..........What the hell would I be envious of????

      Nice to know how you think though. Envy, sound like secretive and discontent hence the fear of.........EXPOSURE.......what are you afraid people will see?

  13. Matlock - CoLumbo - BOB M all the greats
