Sunday, June 24, 2018

April 5, 2017 at 3:54 P.M., Town Administrator write;

MSBA wants to come out for a "small" meeting. I do not have a time yet.
It is imperative that we keep them in the fold (their patience wears thinner) Also, Mary C. has to have a solid number to borrow. If we go for the $5 million and then MSBA pulls out, I'm sitting on a pile of cash and nothing I can do with it. (I think he means the Town is stuck with it)

Included in the loop is Chris Casavant, superintendent of schools (for Town borrowing) but not the Town's finance committee - so much for transparency, inclusion and good governance.

Senator Gobi, Town Auditor, school superintendent but not the Town finance committee. I wonder if the selectmen will pull out all the stops and use all of these contacts to help the taxpayers of Laurel View Road, you know, some of the people paying for that big project.

Forget spending some of those taxpayers money on town counsel and just use already paid for services or people, like senator Gobi and the DOR, find a solution and help those taxpayers out.

Come on selectmen, do not work against the residents/taxpayers, work for them and with them, get the road repaired and accepted and move on.  24 homeowners filing suit against the Town is not a glowing endorsement for economic investment or business to move to Templeton; is that how they treat taxpayers (that is what a business is in the end, a taxpayer).


  1. The fiasco on Laurel view since the "'red list" has been how long. I'm sure if someone was actually assigned to work on that issue it would have been much closer to resolution today, but it appears our management went for " not my responsibility" rather than lets get this fixed!

    It would really be nice to hear our Selectman call out our Administrator and place his feet to the fire. He had months prior to the June 18 meeting and what changed?

    So I heard Mr Harrington (town counsel) talk during his review with the Select board. He said his method (paraphrase) is " how can we get this done within the boundaries" or another words a "can do" attitude towards satisfying the needs of the community. I suggest the Town Administrator ask the Town Counsel HOW CAN WE FIX THIS ROADWAY FOR THESE TAXPAYERS!!!!

    Let make these people put their money were their mouth is.............

    1. Work for the people in the Town of Templeton ? Seems that idea is long gone. It seems taking "comments" at the start of a meeting does make sure no one dares ask a question or make a remark that goes against the "superior group". So when a town is told that they have too much debt, don't you think the powers to be would work on eliminating some of that debt, and for the good of the community, work on getting the Town a bond rating ? Something is very wrong with the picture when you stand back and take a good look at our town. Our Administrator has no skin in the game. Our Board of Selectman has in my opinion, hurt the people in this town, a hurt that will not go away for generations.. You get the government you deserve, especially if you do not participate in Town Meeting of vote at the polls. I believe the community would be better off if people watched the meetings that go on and actually understood what they are voting for. In the end it is your dime, and I do hope people understand that as members of this community you do have some responsibility.
