Thursday, March 15, 2018

Nancy Tuckerman of the Amy Vanderbilt Complete Book of Etiquette writes that in the USA, unlike the UK, a boy can be addressed as master only until age 12, then is addressed only by his name with no title until he turns 18, when he takes the title of Mr.,[3]:662 although it is not improper to use Mr. if he is slightly younger. Robert Hickey, deputy director of the Protocol School of Washington, states that "use of Master [as] an honorific when addressing boys is considered old fashioned outside of conservative circles.
Since I am both old fashioned and conservative in some things, as in I still write checks and opt to receive bills through the mail (sometimes called snail mail) and I pay bills in person with the bill in hand and ask for a paper receipt. I also do not think the term master was around in the stone age. 
Certainly Master Fortes must be in charge of something.
Is it master or mister? Titles, honorifics, and other designations can be difficult to remember, especially for non-native speakers.
  • Mister is a title for an adult male.
  • Master is a title for a minor male, or someone who is in charge of something.


  1. I thought this blog was about discussions of town finance and structure with some light humor mixed in. It’s clear to me that all the posts about keeping it civilized has gone out the proverbial window. No wonder no one comes to meetings or participates on boards that you so passionately advocate for here Jeff. Who would want to be part of this embarrassment. I suggest the town make a corner and put all the people who belong to boards and committees who want to denigrate people who are trying to serve their communities in a central location. Perhaps on a corner with a chalkboard like good old Glenn Beck had, some chalk and a Mr Microphone and non fluoridated water.
    In a time where the public is looking for leadership on all levels of government here in Templeton we get this.

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      You couldn't be Master Fortes could you ??
