Saturday, January 20, 2018

Board of Selectmen Policies and Procedures:

1. Annual Town Meeting: There shall be an Annual Town Meeting in May each year for the consideration of all Town business which is to be posted properly prior to the meeting. The Annual Town Meeting Warrant is the Selectmen’s by statute. The Selectmen may insert articles in the warrant; within the time frame the warrant is open, on their own initiative or by written petition signed by the proper number of registered voters for the Annual Town Meeting.


  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Can the mentally ill hold public office?

  2. Anon 12:58,

    Look to our

  3. Anonymous10:46 PM

    we have at least one on our BOS

    1. It takes a special person to do a job as diverse as being a selectman. You should leave your special interests at the door. Remember, you are only one member. You are supposed to represent everyone else in your community. I guess that is in a perfect world, but I know if things do not improve around here, there will be no improvement in our financial status or cooperation between departments. Ms. Haley Brooks is not the only one to have been hurt by the behavior of some of our leaders, so she must decide for her self to stay or go. It is not right to be in limbo. People voted for her in good faith. There is still much important work to be done, so it is my hope that she will do her best. Bev.

    2. As you must realize the AC's job is to advise . That is it ! The very idea that "we should agree with the BOS in public" is exactly what we should not do. That is what I told our BOS Chairman. One reason I have been on the shit list, and it looks like that is where I will stay.

    3. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Is replying on here considered remote participation? Or is having more then 3 anom. a quorum?
