Sunday, October 29, 2017

The article that was included in the draft warrant for the upcoming November 14, 2017 special town meeting has apparently been removed. Perhaps waiting for the annual town meeting? Perhaps as word got around concerning the proposed changes, it was found there was little support for such a move. Whatever the reason, citizens should remain vigilant for future attempts at such change (s) to the Advisory Committee.


  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    That article drafted by the BOS just shows they have no concept of how municipal government works. Templeton is NOT a corporation. They need to learn taking criticism is part of the job. So is accommodating public records requests. So is answering questions from anyone that comes to a meeting. Citizens have a right to know where every cent is spent. And you just can't go stacking a finance oversight board with "yes men" in order to avoid criticism. I'm glad they pulled the article. And maybe now the BOS members will back off in making the Advisory Committee look like bad guys. Citizens WANT the finance committee to ask EVERY question about anything that isn't 100% clear in accounting for town. If there was an operating Advisory committee years ago maybe the town wouldn't have gotten in so much financial ruin. But there wasn't. And that's how leadership wanted it then. Seems like leadership now hasn't learned from past mistakes if they want to manipulate the makeup of the committee.

    1. Anyone I spoke with about the changes the BOS had planned to put forward, did not like this potential change one bit. The people in this community have seen it all, over the years. I am sure that trust is something they take seriously, and they are not willing to give the people who are given the jobs of oversight of the budget, the heave ho, to be replaced by people who would not be serious about the job. The traditional way things have been done in New England may go back to the earliest days in the history of our town. This does not make the way the town has been running our government obsolete. Checks and balances are there for a reason, and need to stay. Fast tracking permits will accomplish what ? The citizens need to be able to trust that each department is doing their job, and that they are protected from shady deals that will hurt them in the end. The need for open and honest government is still as important as ever. When I say that many good men and women have died for that right is not a sentiment that should be taken lightly. I am not saying that there are not things that can be improved, because the financial mess this town has had and continues to have tell us all that is not true. If steps need to be taken they need to improve honest and open government. I am sure that is what all of the officials in town government are aiming for. Anything less is not acceptable. My opinion. Bev.
