Sunday, September 24, 2017

Monday evening, Templeton board of selectmen poised to approve merit raises for non union personnel.

Selectmen office personnel . . . . . $  512.00
Assessor . . . . . . . . . . . .   . . . . . . .$  170.00
Treasurer/collector . . . . . . . . . . . . $  117.00
Town Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $  170.00
Development services . . . . . . . . . $1673.00
DPW - Highway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $304.00
DPW  - buliding & grounds . . . . . .$1682.00
Council on aging . . . . . .  . . . . . . . $3037.00
Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$  210.00

Total of $7,875.00, per board of selectmen information
25 September under authority of article  18 of may 2017 annual town meeting of May 13, 2017.


  1. Can someone please point me to the information regarding " Developmental Services"? Website????

    Is this merit based on some criteria being met, goals being reached? Something that can be measured? I hope its not a personality raise..........

    1. Considering what the DOR told the administration, maybe they should think twice before they do this. Why add to what we owe the State...Go ahead, dig the hole we are in deeper !!! Dig, dig, dig you little gofers !!

    2. Why spend every penny in the budget when they will have a deficit in their "tree money article" ? How much is everyone getting when all is said and done ? Our selectmen just can't seem to hang on to a cent, so what is their problem ?? How much you want to bet our Selectmen go for a override. I will bet on it. The fact is that will break the backs of a large number of elderly, and young people. Will the end ever come ? it does not look like it. The more things change, the more they stay the same !! Bev.

    3. OK, so so the raise was not based on merit. It was based on the TA's feeling that some employees are underpaid.
      I personally don't like the lack of measure. I'm also not so sure how the folks receiving this "low pay bump" will feel when its back to "low pay" next year as this is a one time adjustment.
      It really would seem that as a town we could have found the $7785.00 for employees pay if we wanted to as it amounts to .0005 of our budget. I found it slightly disingenuous when the TA and BOS complain about employees pay being low. Maybe they should ask who sets that rate? Who holds the purse strings?

    4. Low compared to what or who ? There are only two people in the Assessors Office, so if the head person did not get anything, then the clerk got a good chunk. Not too shabby ! Now how do the BOS dare go to the people for a override? With health care questionable for those on fixed incomes, and the .03 0/0, the elderly got for their raise, the excuses better be dam good. Maybe someone forgot they were supposed to be the selectmen for everyone in this town.
