Saturday, August 5, 2017

all material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Committee members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Committee members.

November 9, 2015


To see if the Town will vote amend Article 5 of the May 16, 2016 Annual Town Meeting , the Annual Operating Budget, by raising and appropriating a sum of money for deposit into the Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) account; or take any other action relative thereto. Submitted by the Board of Selectmen On a motion duly made and seconded the Town voted to raise and appropriate Sixty-Four Thousand, Six Hundred Eight dollars ($64,608) to be deposited into the Selectmen’s Office Expenses Budget (01-122-5400-5421).

 Passed/November 9th @ 9:20pm

Where is OPEB account? Where is the money? End of the year Budget versus Actual does not show this account/fund. (OPEB)

Annual Town Meeting of May 14, 2016

ARTICLE 2 OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS FUND To see if the town will vote to accept the provisions of Section 20 of Chapter 32B of the General Laws; and pursuant to said section to direct the Treasurer of the town
 (1) to establish a separate account to be known as the "Other Post Employment Benefits Liability Trust Fund" (OPEB) in the Treasury of the Town; and
 (2) to develop a funding schedule for the funding of the Town's liabilities for other post employment benefits; and
(3) to seek and obtain the approval of such funding schedule by the Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission or as otherwise provided by state law; and
(4) to raise and appropriate, borrow pursuant to any applicable statute or transfer from available funds a sum of money for deposit into the OPEB Liability Trust Fund; or to take any other action related thereto.
Submitted by the Board of Selectmen
On a motion duly made and seconded the town voted to accept provisions of Section 20 of Chapter 32B of the Massachusetts General Laws and to direct the Town Treasurer to establish an Other Post- Employment Benefits Trust Fund in the Treasury of the Town; and further, to charge the Town Administration with developing an OPEB funding schedule and obtaining approval of said schedule by the Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission of the Commonwealth; and further, to transfer Sixty Four Thousand Six Hundred and Eight Dollars ($64,608) from the FY’16 Selectmen’s Expense Account (1000-122-100-54-5420-0000) to the OPEB Liability Trust Fund.
 A motion was duly made and seconded to move the question.
Passed Unanimously/May 14th @ 10:13am
On main motion. Passed Unanimously/May 14th @ 10:13am

Opinions expressed are those of Jeff Bennett and do not represent any other member of the Advisory Committee 

posted by Jeff Bennett

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