Saturday, July 1, 2017

Remember, the selectmen were going to ask the voters to use money from the Ambulance receipts fund to balance a spending plan at town meeting, even when they did not have the money in hand. Fortunately, the DOR was watching.I also sent emails to various officials at the DOR/DLS informing them of this action. Whether that made any difference, I do not know, but I made the effort to try and look out for taxpayers/residents.

Templeton Town Meeting
Wed 5/24/2017 7:17 AM


  1. Someone from DOR/DLS mentioned that planning on the $100,000 was only acceptable if the $100,000 was already in the fund at which time we were informed that it was all set, we now have $75,000 To me that looks like $25,000 and a few months late, but what do I know?

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      I do believe, when the Ambulance Fund was established, at a ATM, there was a understanding that money from this fund would only be used for Fire Department use only. Does this still stand ? If it does then Fire Department use it is ! Or is this another case of bait and switch.

    2. Anon,

      Is this what you are referring to?

      To see if the Town will vote to transfer a sum of money from the Fire Department/
      Ambulance -- Receipts Reserved for Appropriation Account or to otherwise raise and
      appropriate a sum of money to fund Ambulance Department operations, with any
      unexpended monies in the Ambulance budget being returned to the Receipts Reserved for
      Appropriation Account and with any unexpended balances in the Receipts Reserved for
      Appropriation Account being carried forward to the subsequent fiscal year; or to take any
      other action relative thereto.
      Submitted by the Board of Selectmen

  2. Or do you mean this version from 2014. The 2015 version was similar to 2016.

    To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money from the Fire Department, Ambulance Receipts Reserved for Appropriation Account, or to otherwise raise and appropriate a sum of money to fund Ambulance Department operations, with any unexpended balances in the reserve account to be carried forward to the subsequent fiscal year; or to take any other action relative thereto.
    Submitted by the Board of Selectmen

  3. Found this one interesting:

    Too see if the Town will vote to rescind the vote taken under Article 8 of the
    Special Town Meeting held on November 7, 2011, creating a Fire
    Department-Ambulance Receipts Reserved for Appropriation Account for
    ambulance receipts commencing in FY’13, rescinding this vote will remand
    ambulance receipts to the General Fund of the Town; or to take any other
    action relative thereto.
    Submitted by the Board of Selectmen
    Main Motion
    Defeated/May 16
    th @ 9:49

  4. And the crown Jewel..................From 2011.

    Article 8 To see if the Town will vote to create a Fire Department-Ambulance
    Receipts Reserved for Appropriation Account where collected ambulance
    receipts for services are placed beginning with FY2013. Monies out of this
    fund are expended only through town meeting vote for the purpose of
    funding various Fire Department capital requests pursuant to the
    betterment of the Fire Department services as deemed by the Templeton
    Fire Chief.
    Submitted by the Templeton Fire Chief
    On a motion duly made and seconded the Town voted to create a FireAmbulance
    Receipts Reserved for Appropriation Account where collected
    ambulance receipts for services are placed beginning with fiscal year
    Passed Unanimously/Nov. 7th @ 8:00

  5. So, can someone with more smarts than me tell me if this can even be done?

  6. This really looks like a JACKPOT provided to Templeton Taxpayers by the Magnificent Terenzini............

    $100,000 shortfall and the Magnificent Terenzini is off with his potions to another community peddling his wares.

    I'm hope I'm FOS, but the 2011 version seems to say "the money stays with Fire"!

  7. It's obvious we aren't following the intent of this vote, but ...........

    Now a nice chunk of our Fire budget requires another Yes vote or what? What happens if the people are just tired of the manipulation of the rules they created.

    Wasn't the purpose of the Fire Chief in 2011 to keep that money available to Fire/Ambulance so that needed equipment could be funded and the money wouldn't be looted?
