Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Squeaky Wheel gets the grease as the saying goes.

Before reading the following, consider this:
Special town meeting, October 20, 2016 - article 2: FY2017 operating budget supplement

"On a motion duly made & seconded the town voted to amend the 2017 annual town budget as voted in article 4 at the annual town meeting to add the sum of eighty seven thousand five hundred one dollars and no cents to the long term debt service line of that budget (account # 100-710-700-59-5910-0000) and further to transfer said sum from the stabilization fund to pay for the foregoing.

defeated at 7:56 by hand count requested by seven or more voters Yes 237 / No 226??

That is what the report states on the Templeton Town web site via town clerk.

A case against that transfer was made by the Advisory Committee, I spoke specifically against it, there being such a small amount of funds in those three funds (approximately $142,000.00, as presented by the town accountant) I am glad the transfer was defeated especially now after the audits which seems to show a totally different and lower amount in the funds???

Anyone else wish the selectmen had stuck with the slower more detailed audit in process before the switch to the faster audits? But then when your agenda is get a school project online regardless of the costs or consequences, what else would you expect. Perhaps that is why the accountant did not wish to release the information on the stabilization funds, just my thought.

I know, ask the selectmen, as they now provide answers when asked, according to their spokesperson.

Good Day:

Per your request; the balances we now show, as a result of the audit(s) for the several stabilization funds are:

General Stabilization        $95,334.28
Pajari Stabilization              $9,263.90
Capital Stabilization            $1,958.95

Total                                  $106,557.13

Many Thanks

Carter Terenzini
Interim Town Administrator
Town of Templeton
160 Patriots Road
East Templeton, MA 01438
(978) 894-2753

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. So, was the $142,000 ever really there? Is this money actually in it own account? What happened? How did an account only accessible through town meeting votes loose money?

    Questions, yup.............

  2. Anonymous8:38 AM


    not that it matters but on page 16 of the annual town meeting warrant May 4 2016 the summary states "The town currently has $142,230 in the general Stabilization fund account. In addition, the Pajari Stabilization account has $9,287 and the capital Stabilization account has $2,358."

    So who stole the missing $46,895.72 from the general Stabilization fund, $23.10 from Pajari and $399.05 from the capital fund? so in one years time these accounts have less money than what was reported at ATM. This is on the BOS , TA and Accountant as it takes a 2/3 vote to take money out of these accounts. Ref Oct STM warrant for the $85,000 the BOS and TA wanted last fall and did not get.

  3. C'mon, somewhere, somehow, somebody must have signed saying they state the "above" balance was true.
    This needs an explanation. How does money vanish from a "locked" account. Is there any method those funds are accessible for without the 2/3 vote of the Town Meeting?

    Was that $142k ever really there, if not, how was it reported as a balance? How long before Templeton residents can actually trust the numbers we are given?

    Do we need a forensic audit????

    1. We needed an investigation and did not get it, thanks to Senator Brewer and his buddies ! Covering who's ass ?? Someone with authority should talk to our past Treasurer, to see who moved the money and where did it go. The last straw ? It is for me. Bev.
