Friday, June 9, 2017

A raven flew into my window and told me "heard that the new bond ratings for 2016 have been released to the cities and towns and will be published on the DOR website next week."

So if you are interested in such things, keep a watch for that information.

Apparently some people at town hall are not happy reading their names on this blog, oops, but failing to be forthcoming with information concerning public monies may lead to your name being here. Also, appearing to fail in your duties will result in the same.

So, is the above failing to do the job or is it a case of following instructions from supervisors so as to paint a non realistic financial picture of Templeton? Or is it just a method to put someone off intentially? You can decide but in my opinion, it looks like all of the above. - BOA = Bureau of Accounts / Department of Revenue / Division of Local Services.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. Anonymous8:09 AM

    the accountant will not give the advisory committee information and also the state BOA. It seems that when you watch the Selectmen meeting this same person, who i hear does not live in Templeton has a lot to say. advising on who the Auditor should be and inputs to what policies the BOS should have and what is contained in them

  2. Jeff,

    I really want to start this post with a quote and hopefully highlight the issue that may not be apparent to you as someone from the inside "failing to be forthcoming with information concerning public monies may lead to your name being here. Also, appearing to fail in your duties will result in the same." All I see that gets someone on the blog is failure, failure, failure. No one wants to have their named attached to failure. That should be common sense that no one wants that whether, elected, appointed, volunteer, employed etc.

    Granted failures should be highlight and reported and I believe you do an excellent job of reporting those issues Jeff. I just wish to ask you when was the last time you have posted a positive story or article about anyone. There are people within the town that have done a fair job to the community but that information isn't represented here. The only information that can be found here and tied to anyone's name is negative posts and comments.

    I would honestly challenge you Jeff to turn this blog into a productive blog for Templeton. Something that Templeton actually needs. The town website has been frequently spoken about on this blog and its lack of updates and intuitive nature, albeit no solutions have been sought. Personally, I feel that perhaps Templeton needs to know about the good AND the bad within the community and there is no better candidate that I can think of for the task than you. It is clear that you do your research and are analytical. There is no doubt that Templeton needs more information presented from all the boards, committees, and even businesses to the public

    For example, I was unaware that the Community Preservation had cleared a lot behind the garage across the street from the Fire Station for a park area or that they were interested in returning the Baldwinville Fire station used by CERT to its original door bay setup (through grants). This may not be ground breaking information but I am sure that a majority of Templeton doesn’t know we have a Community Preservation Committee that is dedicating their time to ensuring Templeton remains the community that we have all come to love geographically. This is positive information, general information, and noteworthy, in my opinion.

    I am sure that you and I can agree that Templeton is a community filled with history and a lot of great people. I have heard Beverly speak volumes about what a wonderful community Templeton has been and how she wants to see the light return. However, I cannot see the light returning unless we put the spotlight on the entire community the good and the bad. The original intent of this blog was to inform the citizens of Templeton, not to bad mouth every individual that is mentioned on the blog.

    Two new promising members were introduced to the advisory committee and one of who frequents this blog. I don’t see a mention of them which would be upbringing news of promise and hope. NRSD’s current Superintendent had an excellent speech last Friday for his first graduating class as a a Superintendent. There is no mention of that.

    I guess what this long and lengthy message can be summarized into is that you might have the power to make a positive impact in the community by showing both our strengths as a town and our weakness. People need to be informed Jeff not only of the good but the bad. To captivate a larger audience and to drum up support for issues people need to know that all isn’t lost.

    Thank you for all you have done to inform the community Jeff and I hope this may help you see the tremendous ability you have to help influence Templeton back onto the right track.

    Your Selectman,
    Cameron Fortes

  3. Cam,

    I absolutely agree that many items on this and Pauly's blog things tend to point out problems. I to believe that people would feel better about the towns condition if they were filled in on ALL the local happenings as many are positive and very representative of the type to town I knew growing up locally.

    I do however feel the appropriate venue to reach the most people is the Towns Website. It's truly our face to the outside world. It's also a valuable resource that I feel is not being utilized to its potential. If you go through our town website it shows a highly disorganized, illogical, amateurish site poorly maintained and outdated.

    I also want to point out that this is one of the only ways people in town can let their feelings be known to Board members as the BOS no longer follows it own Policies allowing for public comments, but does read the blogs.

    Lastly I do want say that even though we may not agree on all things I do appreciate your willingness to engage regarding these issues on the blogs, at BOS meetings and Advisory Meetings. Hopefully all of us as a town can start working together towards a common objective to improve the towns condition while maintaining its charm.

    1. Bob,

      As always, thank you for your reply. I agree 100% with everything you have state. I do want to take a second to use this opportunity to discuss my subjective opinions regarding the website. In plain English, it's not very good. It’s not very functional, it lacks valuable information and documents, and it’s not intuitive for both the initial user (those inputting information) and the end user. It needs to be reconstructed.

      To rebuild the website would take money and that involves a lengthy discussion. Do we take the money and invest it into a company to build us a new website? Do we take the money and hire a part-time IT professional? Do we use interns to update the information to the website? As we know these discussions take time and I can only assume the rest of the BoS understand the poor standard we present without website. These discussion items only scratch the surface. It is something that I promise (and you can take that to the bank) to have addressed before December. Unfortunately, the only thing slower than municipal government are glaciers (which seem to be catching up) and we cannot move forward on that issue instantly.

      The mention of Jeff and his ability to manage a functioning blog and his relevant expertise in research and reporting would help alleviate some of the stress on the town in my opinion. The stress being discussion, praise, and criticism that cannot take place on the towns website. When we look at blog posts we know there may be some awful things happening those should be reported to its fullest. I believe though, that by hammering home the negatives about certain departments that it shadows the success the town has seen in other departments such as the recent victory Steve Castle won for Templeton Cable or the incredible job that has been done with the tomb restoration by Alan Mayo and the Preservation Committee.

      Steve Ross once said something like You can't operate a community by fear, because the way to eliminate fear is to avoid criticism. And the way to avoid criticism is to do nothing. And essentially this is what has been promoted through the blogs. We have seen this in recent responses from myself and others within the town “I don’t want to end up on the blog so I will do nothing”. We need not only to know when we are doing something the townspeople do not like but what the townspeople do like because too much criticism is an awful thing and too much praise is another awful thing. A healthy balance promotes robust growth in character and develops healthy ties to one another.

      So, in summary, I would say that you are correct Bob that information should be held with the Templeton Website. Discussion however cannot happen on that website. Praise and criticism cannot happen on that website. It can only happen within the community in open discussion of both good and bad. I think this blog would benefit tremendously from such reporting.

      Thanks for your response,
      Cameron Fortes

      P.S. We may never see eye to eye on 100% of issues Bob and if we did, I wouldn’t value your input nearly as much as I do presently.

    2. Cam,

      We are in agreement on much of your response. The one thing I do think needs to be mentioned here in regards to our discussion is I do feel recognition of the problem is vital. When I recently requested an updated list referring to the inaccuracy of the website the response I received seemed oblivious to the problem. That concerns me. I do agree that when people do a above average job they should be commended, but people cannot be left unaware of failures so as not to hurt feelings.It's tough in a small town environment to critique government without someone being personally offended as its usually a small or single person department.

      Our town has had some pretty major financial issues that have persisted for more than a few years. Along those lines I don't feel any slack can or should be given. We cannot afford errors, over sites, or excuses anymore. Our financial moves from this point forward can have no excuses and people should be held absolutely accountable.

      Back to the original point, we do need to hear more see more about positive situations withing the Town. How about a "Cams Blog"........I'll sign up...... All kidding aside, your point is valid

      OK, Cam dont make me put on Enjoy the afternoon.

  4. Cam,

    I just saw a "potentially" perfect example of something that should be on the towns website or posted on this or other blogs.

    Gardner News Headline
    "Narragansett students may intern with the town's public works"

    These types of things go along way.

  5. Anonymous12:29 PM

    the only way to change failure to do jobs or follow laws is to identify and bring them into the open as the two blogs do. Bob M brings up a good point that the town web site is not very good. all you have to do is go to other towns websites. It seem that this was communicated to of town leaders but nothing was every do about it. it has the power to communicates to the towns people what is happen in town government and in the community in general.

    1. Anon,

      I appreciate your reply. I did create a lengthy response to Bob M that would address some of your key points that regard the website and open criticism.

      Criticism is a healthy indicator of when change is needed. Praise is a motivator unlike any other. I believe that the townspeople and employees of Templeton need to know who is doing an incredible job for our community so they can get the recognition they deserve. I feel that Jeff could provide that benefit with little to no effort on his part.

      Thank you for your response,
      Cameron Fortes

      P.S. I would also encourage you to create a profile on the blogs. You opinion is very valued within the community and I believe you should be recognized for your contributions to progress within Templeton.

  6. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Just a note, we the taxpayers of Templeton paid for the park behind the old town building on Elm St and if CERT moves we the taxpayers will pay for the old fire station to be restored if that is voted at Town Meeting. Community Preservation Committee gets their money from the 3% surtax that is added to our tax bill and the state matches up to a certain percent, the state gets the money from reg of deed filings. Only projects brought to town meeting and approved by the votes get done. (we also paid for a new roof on a privately owned house in Templeton center.) One would know that is is not just the CPC doing things if they got a tax bill - it is our vote and our money!

    1. Anon,

      Thank you for informing me! This is the benefit of discussion that I enjoy most when I can stand to learn a thing or two from those much more informed than myself. I was not aware that this was currently how the funds were generated and so even the tax payers deserve recognition for these accomplishments in Community Preservation.

      It is unfortunate that I cannot see who you are to properly thank for the information but I encourage you to seek me out in public or via email ( if you wish to reveal yourself. I might have some more to learn from you in the future!

      Thank you again for your response,
      Cameron Fortes

  7. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Anom 12;33
    Cam still has a lot to learn about town government just hope he listens to people who have been in town government a while. it seems they know things and seem to still be learning. the BOS members seen not to know what is going on so do not look to them

  8. Anonymous2:27 PM

    just look at what company did the website. It is Virtual towns and school which is the largest provider of municipal websites in the Northeast. The BOS or any member of the BOS can contact them to get a price or indicate that there are towns which have a better site and see what it would cost to go to their

    1. Anon,

      Thank you for your feedback. I have decided to take your advice and will have wonderful news to hopefully be able to present for Monday's BoS meeting at 6:30! Barring I am able to get it onto the agenda in a timely fashion.

      Thank you for your comment,
      Cameron Fortes

      P.S. You missed out on having some potential recognition for your idea! I would recommend registering in the future so we can put a name to your feedback. Regardless, Thank you kindly stranger!
