Sunday, May 14, 2017

Watching the audit report on the tv again, I noticed the audit presenter Tony Roselli stating that the General laws of MA allows up to $10,000.00 for personal property tax exemptions. During the presentation, Mr. Roselli commented on this law and that the Templeton Board of Assessors have looked at it and are on board and the Board of Assessors have recommended the $5,000.00 amount and that he, Mr. Roselli thinks that is a good plan. So, perhaps it was selective hearing or hearing what you wanted to hear, but it seems pretty clear, if you watch and listen to the audit presentation more than once, that the Town, through its elected Board of Assessors, came up with the dollar figure and the auditors feel it is a good idea and plan. seems like this is not a case of getting advice, paying for said advice and then not following it. It is in fact, the opposite, a suggestion was given and it was followed and it may in the long run, be financially beneficial to Templeton.

On the borrowing of the five million dollars, again, the audit presenter, Mr. Roselli stated that with regards to the five million, use a portion to pay the 1.4 million dollar deficit with regards to the school project and then the state, not the audit firm, the state, said do not go spend it. Seems the video shows Mr. Roselli was the messenger with regards to a few things so it is not actually a case of paying for advice then not following it. I will be watching the audit report again and again.

With regards to the treasurer / collector, I was told that the Town has a treasurer/collector in the form of Carol Lee Eaton, who has been certified for both positions previously and is now in charge while a new Town Treasurer/collector is looked for. That is probably a question for the selectmen at one of its meetings open to the public. The selectmen are scheduled to go over the audit management letter this coming Monday, May 15, 2017.

posted by Jeff Bennett

1 comment:

  1. Point taken Jeff. I would just refer you to the management letter.

    "We recommend that the town consider including an article at the next town meeting asking voters to exempt up to $10,000 from being taxed."

    Now its fairly obvious the Auditor cannot demand the town do anything, but to say he agreed with the assessors as the ideal plan is just wrong. He consented to their wishes as its all he could do. What is he supposed to say?

    If I make a suggestion, you say no, and we come to an agreement it doesn't mean its the right one.

    I personally didn't care about this tax issue, but I did care about getting the correct information to voters, whatever it be. And the auditor did not "recommend $5,000 as it stated on the warrant, he consented to the $5,000 but Recommended $10,000 as written in report.
