Sunday, April 16, 2017

Power generation costs go down, perhaps, debt payments toward nuclear power go down or go away, perhaps, so what should be done with those funds?

Someone says lower rates then on another day complains that Templeton kept the tax rate low for too long and now we should have an override where taxpayers have to give more of their money towards town costs "so I can keep more in my pocket, so I can get more freebies and the town can pay more of my health insurance costs, cause I'm little davey and I am entitled to that, cause I work for the town."

Maybe the light department is keeping any savings as reserve funds like the town of Templeton failed to do during the time all of that un-expended funds or free cash was used to fund the town spending plan rather than used as savings or for capital asset purchase. Maybe the savings will go towards other debt payments like some of those 40, 30 and 25 year loans on the books.

what I think should be asked is would davey smart spend two hundred fifty bucks or three hundred dollars on a pair of work boots if he had to pay for them out of his paycheck instead of taxpayers buying them.

Again, check the records of town meeting, all of those loans for the water department and light department went to town meeting and if you do not like the light & water situation, stop bitching online and get to work on grass roots petition and get the special acts rescinded or undone. Hint: you ain't gonna get it done coming off like a spoiled entitled brat who writes free boots so we don't have to buy them again and again and again.

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