Friday, March 3, 2017

The best and the brightest? or who is on first?  A PILOT or no PILOT?

To top it all off the light and water pay no PILOT to Templeton and board after board have little power to due anything about it.

Wasn't it your board JEFFY that was the first time we were shorted the PILOT payments?
Good job there also!
With now power to do anything about it i might add.
Or maybe no desire to confront and get it back would be a fit.
You see i get the feeling your Buddy DANA another plow contractor would get upset about any involvement and cooperation or lack of you would have had back then.
It all adds up and i think we as in others minus you would have had a lot better results if it was without your help and involvement.
So which team are you on this time Jeffy?
One only has to think back and ask why didn't Jeffy ever go to any light and water meetings and help out the cause?
It's clear now!

pretty much says all that needs to be said!

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. What part of "nock it off" don't you two get ?

    1. I do believe Dana does not have at buddies. I also do not think he even knows what is going on at L&W. Only what they tell him. Being on the Light Commission, for like forever, he did not know we could have gotten rebates on the two heat pumps, he put in for us. One at camp and one at home. We got screwed out of a good chunk of change. It is time for a major overhaul over there. From the top down. These guys have contributed to the "plan to ruin the town", whether they know it or not.
