Sunday, February 26, 2017

Wonderful system that could use attention and a change.

FYI , Gardner  received 12 bills ($0 due) from the town of Templeton. So glad Templeton has money to waste. This is not new but is something that should be looked at to see if a change could save a few bucks. Kind of silly to send out paper bills that tell you, well, you owe us nothing and we have money to burn so we spent it on paper and postage.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Jeff, if Gardner (exempt Property) received bills for $0 that means all the exempt properties did - the state land- town of Templeton land- the churches - north County land trust. Ask the Deputy Assessor exactly how many exempt parcels are in town - money wasted.

  2. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Jeff, do you know why Selectmen meeting minutes are not available since the Nov 28st meeting?
