Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Apparently the MA department of revenue thinks Templeton has too much debt to get a state guaranteed loan at this time. It seems Templeton has too much debt. Really? because at an advisory committee meeting, the Templeton town administrator told the committee that the school debt would not/does not count as the 5% debt limit. As I have previously asked, is or would Templeton be responsible for the 47 million dollars debt? The consequences Diane Haley Brooks is I am running for selectmen again this year! Sorry the selectmen and some others do not like advisory committee writing a letter to the municipal finance oversight board and they do not like the committee doing it's job, but someone has to try to tell people on the condition of Templeton finance. Diane Brooks should remember the MCAD training and realize that retaliation is against the rules.There is a correlation between real estate, loans, mortgages and what people can afford and i would think that would be apparent in municipal finance as well. It is not about for or against a school, it is about finance and what you can afford. I believe it was irresponsible for the selectmen to paint a healthy financial picture for the people of Templeton just to put them in debt for another 47 million dollars. I believe it is even more irresponsible to still try after you have been told things are bad and even worse than you thought.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. Anonymous6:33 PM

    DHB should understand this. It is no different than someone overextending themselves to buy a house. Get in debt more than you can afford to pay back and the trouble begins!

  2. Anonymous6:36 PM

    How can the TA say that it doesn't count toward the 5% debt - it is a Town of Templeton debt not a Narraansett debt duh!

  3. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Can we get it in writing from the State that should we wish to save some money and use it for other purposes that we do not have to make our bond payment for the New Elementary School?

    1. Some very nasty comments were on Ms. Haley Brooks Facebook page. How professional ! So why the big surprise that we have to much debt ?? I do believe the Advisory Committee has been telling everyone that for at least two years. If you could not understand what was said, Mrs. Farrell even did a "show and tell" for the Select. Board last year. If it is that you only want to believe what you want to, then I am sorry. I do not think that will fly with the people in Boston. To put this plan out to be voted on with the Town in a financial mess was irresponsible to say the least. My best advise would be to stop spending money we do not have, because you have put next years budget under pressure already.

  4. Anonymous9:21 PM

    we have a new TA who is he?

  5. Oh good for you Jeff running for Selectman again. I wish you good luck with that. Retaliation? You mean because I said there may be a violation of open meeting law? I asked the question and I am looking into that. I don't retaliate. How many times do I have to ask for us to meet jointly. I did not say no. The Chairman did. That's his call. I asked if I could speak about it in the last meeting and I missed my chance. I asked the TA if I could send an email and I did. I am pretty sure you were CC'd on those. Gas lighting. That's maybe the only thing I said that might be derogatory. I ahem said not all you say is wrong. I have written that as well. I don't tell others what to write. And ya know what? There are nasty comments on both blogs and various people. Have you seen me write nasty things? Please post them.

    If I didn't post my name, how credible can that be? I don't need to hide behind a keyboard. I have asked to meet personally. No one wants to take me up on that. Oh well.

    People who get involved in local government help to bring many ideas to light. Good and bad things that happen or should happen etc. it's a tough climate here in Templeton.

    Please remember I am 1 of 5. I am thoughtful and I take time to process and ask questions. Not an excuse, but being ill has taken its toll.

    1. Dianne, The Mass. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE has told you the town cannot afford this school, the same as others have been saying all along. When are you people going to GET IT! Do you really think the DOR took the word of a letter, NO, they relied on FACTS.
      You and the pro school people want the school regardless of the cost, Problem is the town can't just walk away from the school and give it back to the bank like people do when they can't afford their house.

  6. Anonymous8:52 AM

    I have watch the Advisory Committee meetings on TV and have never seem you there. I do see members of their committee at selectmen meetings. If you really want to meet with them then go to their meetings

  7. I have gone to their meetings. Do you realize I am on committees as well? I have to chuckle over here.
