Friday, December 9, 2016

Perhaps there is a loop tape playing out of Templeton Town hall? Looking at two weekly reports from the Town administrator, I find this:October 27, 2016; report from highway - "The winter sand operation is complete and the focus of the highway department will now be addressing potholes and tree issues and other resident concerns." In the December 1, 2016 weekly report from the Town administrator, I find this: report from highway - "Tree work on Baldwinville Road and Gardner Road. Continued to haul winter sand from the pit to the barn . . ." So back in October, the sand operation was complete but in December, highway is still doing sand operations. So which is it, complete or not? What does this indicate, at least from the highway department? What does it say about the Town administrator and this seemly repeat of things in weekly updates? I for one, do not want to be told something is complete if it is not, I do not want to be told there is $15,000.00 available when it is not. Please try to put forth some factual correct information and please stop the public relations spin. It is not working and makes it look worse than it already is, which is pretty bad already.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. Does anything work right in our Town Hall ? Shame, shame on them, Jeff caught you this time ! Maybe the "superior board" are pissed because of the number of times Will caught them using bad numbers ! I wonder what kind of numbers the MFOB will see ? Will they be told the truth, our town government has not been solvent in 16 years !!

  2. Anonymous2:46 PM Page 9, page 150, page 264, page 279

  3. Anonymous3:07 PM

  4. Anonymous3:10 PM

  5. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Chapter 44 section 33a...don't you need a supplemental appropriation

  6. Anonymous9:17 PM

    hmmmmm...... a neutral evaluator?
