Monday, December 19, 2016

from Massachusetts Division of Local Services alerts: cities & Towns.

Recently I received an email from DLS / city & Town alert - I signed up to receive these. It contained advice and clarification on municipal "free cash, what is it, how you get to use it, time frame, what credit rating agencies look for etc. Also included was this:

Dec. 31 Selectmen:
 Begin to Finalize Budget Recommendation for Review by Finance Committee.
          In Templeton, it would be the Advisory Committee.

This DLS "alert" was within an article from DLS concerning updates on community grant program, which I believe Templeton selectmen opted to apply for and take part in.

I hope they read these things and understand them, this is one item that is NOT the responsibility of the Town Administrator; budget and policy. Selectmen cannot have it both ways, in my opinion, blame the T/A when things are bad, such as the budget, then take credit when and if anything goes well. There is no reason that Advisory Committee should not have all deaprtment budget requests by the end of January, unless the selectmen do not want the Advisory Committee to have time to discuss them in an open public meeting and to make recommendations in time for residents/taxpayers to look at and ask questions in advance of the annual town meeting.

In my opinion, if the time line does not happen, it is a deliberate effort on the part of selectmen to keep the advisory committee from having time to look at and question or make recommendations on any financial proposals put forth by the selectmen. After the 2017 fiasco and 2014, I would think everyone would want more rather than less discussion and time spent on this most important document, Templeton's financial spending plan for the next year.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Jeff, a couple of questions for you. Do you know why the Selectmen's meeting minutes are not posted on the website since June. Also today's TGN stated that Templeton and Winchendon received a grant ($50,000) for regionalized fire and EMS services. Have we regionalized or did TGN get it wrong?

  2. all it is is a grant to look into it to see if it would work!! it is just so that somebody makes some extra coin on our dime !!!
