Tuesday, November 22, 2016

So the selectmen think making the chief of police head of police, dispatch the new jail and fire is going to save some money? Does anyone remember the sales pitch for combining light with water? What happened there?

Back in 2000, taxpayers paid Harry Aldrich about $65,000.00 per year to supervise highway, water and sewer. Now, taxpayers pay Bud Chase about $63,000.00 per year for just highway. A water superintendent makes about $90,000.00 per year and the sewer superintendent makes about $70,000.00 (from the FY 2014 annual town report) there is no report of the treasurer or accountant in FY 2015 annual town report. So, you now pay about the same for the highway super as you paid for three departments, how did that merger work out for you? It did work out for one individual's retirement plan.  Where is that updated annual town report, per instruction by town meeting? Now that is an insult to democracy, thank you John Columbus. What about the fraud perpetrated by this current board of selectmen by telling the people of Templeton that everything financially was/is fine, we have all positions back, we have raised position pay to maintain qualified people in place and the FY 2017 expense spread sheet is balanced and proper. They told everyone the treasurer/collector would be certified by this past August. All have turned out to be lies - fraud, a fraudulent board of selectmen - in my opinion. In my opinion, the biggest fraud case presented to Templeton in recent memory was the fact that Templeton is on solid financial ground, the cost for an elementary school is $1.74 per thousand and we have coming free cash of about $750,000.00. Suddenly, after the school vote passes, "there is a shortfall in FY2013 that is eye-popping" Now we have a $200,000.00 shortfall in a previously stated balanced proper budget, so called. Again, it appears it was all a scam, just to get a yes vote on the school. Time for a recall of the budget, selectmen and the school vote, reduce the appropriation from 47 million down to 5 million. That is my opinion! And it is authorized Johnny boy.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. It is no wonder our friend J.C. does not want an investigation by the AG or Inspector General. I am willing to bet someone close to Sen. Brewer told him the investigation the "Town voted for" was not necessary. Gee I wonder who did that !!

  2. This board is not fraudulent. I resent that remark. When this $200K number came out I was shocked as well and didn't understand until this last week and then I had a death in the family. This Selectwoman does NOT agree with the merger of police and fire or the COA and library. Those are two very different services and the mindset is also different.

    1. You didn't understand ??? Where have you been ? Why do you think TAB showed you the power point explaining why all projects should stop and raises should be rescinded ? We asked you to stop spending money, money that was not there ! Do you think we were trying to hurt anyone ? We were trying to save our town, and we still are. Please learn to listen. Bev.

  3. NO, I didn't understand. Our TA also said your committee didn't respond to requests to meet with us. Many errors have been made and not just in numbers. Your committee gave out wrong information also at the special town meeting. I have owned it and your committee should own it as well.I've been on the Board and I listened to our TA. That's where I have been. I never heard your committee say there was a $200K deficit. I looked at your numbers. Our employees should not have to do without raises. Do I agree that Mr. Markel gave out what he wanted and then the person that was supposed to look them over didn't and gave them out anyway? Nope. I said we would take away raises for people that got more than 2%. Did you know the debt exclusion was wrong? I didn't. Now I do. Blame game. Enough. We all need to look in the mirror and see how we say things, when we say things and who it affects. Hindsight is 20/20 isn't it? Sarcasm gets you no where. I don't like how the sarcasm comes from our side of the table either and I have asked for it to stop. I cannot control what others do.
