Monday, November 21, 2016

At tonight's selectmen workshop, John Columbus blamed the Advisory Committee for their financial problem and the fact that a majority of town meeting attendees did not vote for an article the selectmen proposed; to take $87,500.00 out of the Town's stabilization fund to cover the selectmen screw up. A financial mistake, misstep, error or problem is not new for Templeton, but as the chairman of the board of selectmen when the FY 2017 expense spread sheet was prepared for presentation to town meeting, John Columbus has to own that one. The Advisory Committee has seven members, so even if we all raised both hands, we could not make that vote happen, the people did that. He also made a comment about some unauthorized information at town meeting and I plan on asking for an explanation of that remark. I heard a $200,000.00 shortage for 2017 and I will ask for clarification on that too.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. Good old pass the buck, J.C. If there was money in free cash, or stabilization I am afraid he would continue the tradition of using it all ! Where did that get us ? Mr. Columbus owes Julie a apology for throwing her out of a Selectman's meeting in early May. The fact is she was right, and he was wrong ! If in fact the 17 budget is 200,000. short, it looks like one way or the other, the Selectmen will have to do their job and make cuts. Good people will get hurt and that is sad. If there was a time to fix things in our Town, this is the time.

  2. Anonymous10:10 AM

    The Advisory Board ADVISES get it Mr Columbus. Do you think that we the voters don't have minds of our own to decide how we are going to vote? Sorry but pulling money out of stabilization when we are giving out raises to people who are not working required hours and not doing there jobs. Selectmen stupidity at its best!

  3. For someone that cannot put their name to a post you have a lot of balls calling us stupid.
