Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I would really like the opportunity to ask the DOR representative for Templeton if she ever had a relationship with the former Templeton accountant outside of a professional one, but would probably not get an honest answer. - Jeff Bennett

The following email is between the chair of the Advisory Committee and Templeton Town Accountant:

Advisory committee members,

Below is an answer to the question on the negative balance for Capital Project Fund on the FY15 schedule A from the accountant.  We can review and discuss at our next meeting .


Thank you for your response


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kelli Pontbriand <>
Date: Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 4:24 PM
Subject: Schedule A Question
To: Wilfred Spring <>
Cc: Carter Terenzini <>


You asked Carter why account 019 on page 24 for the Capital Project Fund has a negative -151,428.   In order for the schedule A to be submitted to the DOR those balances have to be tied to other pages of the report or you can’t submit.  Since FY 2013 the balances on this page have been posted as needed to get the Schedule submitted to the DOR and do not reflect the actual balances.   Once everything has rolled forward and the first Schedule A (hopefully FY 17) is submitted with all the adjusting entries to bring the schedule A to the actual numbers for the town these will have accurate figures.

Kelli Pontbriand
Town of Templeton

So my take from this is the DOR or at least the Springfield DOR rep. for Templeton has been accepting incomplete or inaccurate financial documents from Templeton for some time and yet Templeton residents have been told that all is well and Templeton is on the way to financial bliss. Personally, I call BS on this. Personally, since 2014, I think there has been a concerted effort to paint a financial rosey picture so a positive school vote could be had (pun intended) at all costs! 

Remember, the new school will only cost you $1.74 per thousand on your taxes and only 24 million dollars will be borrowed. Diane Brooks and John Columbus told you so!

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. Jeez Bennett,
    How nitpicking you can you get? It's only off by only -151,428! Kinda like forgetting to put an entry in your checkbook every now and then. What's the big deal? So if it was only a -151,428 in FY 13 it couldn't possibly be any larger by now, right? 'Cause that doesn't happen in Templeton right ?

    1. As Pauly would say, Hee, Hee, Hee.

  2. Diane Haley Brooks did not tell the town it was $1.74. Mr. Markel and Dr. Hemman did and what was presented at that time was all laid out in a presentation. I didn't make it up. I supported it along with others. A concerted effort to paint a rosey picture? Perhaps you could find that presentation and post that. I will ask you to keep the facts straight and I will continue to support this project and move us forward. I will also cotinue go work for our community as I have been.
