Sunday, August 7, 2016

Something to be aware of:

According to a document from the department of revenue, that was submitted by the Town of Templeton on march 27, 2014, this showed a deficit or in the red amount of $26,899.00. When I see the numbers provided and do the simple math, addition and subtraction, I come up with $26,900.00. The main point of interest to me is, with this amount showing in the red or a deficit, why was anyone from the selectmen talking a fund surplus of any amount, never mind $750,000.00? When you have paper work showing red, negative numbers or deficit, why talk of surplus?

The thing that immediately comes to my mind is being told what someone thinks I want to hear, "all is okay, there is going to be surplus money, we have it under control. This makes it look good and makes it possible to get something big passed, like a 47 million dollar school.

The fact remains, this document existed, was provided to the DOR by the Town and the selectmen chose to tell a different story. There was no mention of this when talking about the financial records of 2013. You decide if you should trust or believe anything from the current board of selectmen.

posted by Jeff Bennett

1 comment:

  1. What next ? . If the public has no faith in their public officials, who can blame them .
