Saturday, August 6, 2016

If you have read the Gardner News article from Thursday, August 4, 2016, you might be mad.

I think it is probably time for some town residents, not me or the usual same ones who regularly attend meetings of selectmen, but some others who may watch on tv but generally do not go and I think they should ask to speak and ask each one of the selectmen, on camera, did you know or were you aware of these raises? Were you aware of the issues with regards to new growth and motor vehicle excise tax? And no, that budget did not have to be put in front of the voters, you are allowed by law to recess Town meeting so things could be "fixed" or adjusted. There are at least two emails that show selectmen did not want town department heads meeting with Advisory Committee and the other shows selectmen knew or were told that the day before Town meeting, an individual was making changes to the document that selectmen had already approved to present to town meeting. Remember it was John Columbus who was chairman of the select board until the May election and he is the one who said "we (selectmen) do not need the DOR, inspector general, the attorney general or anyone else because we are doing what needs to be done, we are solving issues" I hope some people are finally mad enough to attend and ask some direct questions to all as in each and everyone of them and demand an answer

your selectmen at work:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Diane Haley Brooks <>
Date: Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 9:45 PM
Subject: Re: TAC request for agenda item
To: "Templeton, MA Advisory Board" <>, Selectman Caplis <>
Hello John and Wil
Being on vacation and also not being at the meeting and wishing to catch up, I would request this be put on a later agenda. I saw the email that there were possible errors and I feel our Board should discuss this first among ourselves.
Thank you.
Diane Haley Brooks, Realtor
that is a selectmen response to this:
Visit my website!
> On Aug 3, 2016, at 9:27 PM, Templeton, MA Advisory Board <> wrote:>
> John,
> The Advisory Committee was wonder if the BOS would add 2 agenda items for Mondays BOS meeting,
> 1. Discussion on scheduling the fall Special Town meeting and setting the date of the STM
> 2 Discuss a schedule for when the next joint meeting of the BOS and TAC will meet to go over the amended budget presented on July 21th.
> If you do add these items and would like TAC to attend then please feel free to schedule us for the discussion.
> Thank you for considering these items
> Wil
Perhaps someone wishes to get their stories straight. It is tow simple items, a town meeting date and schedule of more joint meetings between selectmen and advisory committee, what could be the problem?

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. The longer the selectmen waite, the harder it will be to fix. Just because you have a Town Administrator, it does not mean you don't do your job! There is no hiding from this one. The increase for young families and old will be devistating !! A school at what cost ? Surely not 1.74 !! The big lie !!

  2. This big mess could have been avoided. This game of "one up man ship" leaves no winners. Julie asked for a line by line review of the budget at the ATM. Did it happen? No! So here we are today! I know who I work for! I work for the people in this Town ! Young and old . Who do the Selectmen work for ? That is a good question ?

  3. The Advisory Board members worked so hard on the budget for the ATM. We do our best to avoid situations that would cause the problems like we have right now. We do what is right for the people who pay the bills. We also try to be fair to our town workers. Why tell people not to come see us ? Why take the maintenance man from the Library? He makes sure the furnace is running ! Who else will go every morning to do that ? It may be corny, but I love my Town. I will be dammed if we are going to continue to be in a hole, year after a year. This game of borrowing from Peter to pay Paul has to stop. Will this awful plan for the school bankrupt the Town? I do think so. Putting it in Templeton Center is setting us up for big trouble. No parking, no place for the kids to play ! How long will that last until we need to fix these "problems"? Not long, and the what will that cost ? Why don't we just do it right the first time ? Move it to Otter River. It can be on one floor and maybe we will have a bond rating by then.
