Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Templeton end of the year transfers; Again, at a meeting of the Advisory Committee on July 13, 2016, I voted no on all requests for reconsideration. Reason; accountability and consequence. Take the request for an additional $500.00 for certification money for Town Clerk after Town meeting voted for $500.00. When asked, Town Clerk stated she had asked for the $1000.00 allowed by the GL Templeton accepted years before. So someone penciled in $500.00 rather than the amount submitted by the clerk. So Town meeting was presented with $500.00, discussed that amount then voted for and appropriated it. Why override Town meeting vote? Selectmen presented a budget with a different number than was submitted by another elected individual and that number was not challenged at Town meeting, so the accountability lies with selectmen for changing the number and consequence is the individual and selectmen live with it. Advisory Committee was told by way of an outline of sorts listing all of the transfers originally requested, questions on them and the ones that passed or were taken care of in another manner. A notation on one request was that if it was refused, it would be a violation of the law. I called the division of local services, legal section, municipal tax and finance and asked that question; is refusing the transfer a violation of law? Answer: perhaps a violation of the intent or spirit of the law but not something that would end in court. Also, this was not an emergency or extreme unforeseen event. Last, you would be overruling Town meeting vote, on something that was presented to them, discussed and voted on and appropriated by Town meeting vote. Advice was that the next time, Town clerk make a batter case for the whole amount. The transfer passed but I voted against and that is why.

posted by Jeff Bennett

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