Sunday, July 24, 2016

Considering what was just presented to the Town of Templeton, $54,000.00 in raises, according to information out of town hall, and only $35,000.00 appropriated at town meeting for wage and salary adjustment fund, with 38 changes, ah amendments, as it was put at the meeting. I do not believe I can support this. I believe the selectmen need to live with what they have done. The selectmen propose reducing the Town's reserve fund to cover some of these changes, i mean amendments. Perhaps selectmen should tell employees that since we screwed up, we need to take back those raises so we can correct the screw up. Different people in positions and same things keep happening, so perhaps it is the process or lack there of that is the real problem. When you close down (basically) a town for about 6 weeks, I do not think you just turn around and put all positions back on the books that fast without knowing if you have the funds to do so. In 2013, selectmen put hours back only after we had gotten an override passed to pay for the move. Are you ready for a 2 plus dollar per thousand increase in taxes to pay for the school? Can Templeton really afford this school? Would it be wise to place an article on this expected special town meeting to change or amend the town meeting vote about the new school?

posted by Jeff Bennett

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