Saturday, June 11, 2016

One note on the Templeton Ambulance service, it was reported by the Two deputy fire chiefs of Templeton that between 70 and 75% of calls were being tended to by Templeton Ambulance, which begs the question, what do the other 30 to 25% of callers do? On another front, if the current board of selectmen were held accountable like they are supposedly holding the fire chief LaPorte accountable, they should all be fired. Realize that the budget that was presented at Town Meeting was different than the budget voted on by selectmen. In fact, the budget spead sheets that are posted on Templeton town website is different than what was passed at Town meeting. There have also been some changes to that document since Monday, June 6, 2016. The summaries do/did not match the line item numbers, which means if you look at the total for say highway department, the summary page has one total and the line item totals were/are different. They should all match! The dates for passage of articles on Town meeting floor are the responsibility of the Town Clerk, the budget documents are the responsibility of the selectmen. Selectmen can delegate authority to the Town Administrator but they are ultimately responsible. You cannot even see what the recommendation of Advisory was because that information was not posted on the website. The complete record of what was presented to Town Meeting is missing from the document on Templeton Town website. What is next, only report or show the articles that pass? It should all be about transparency and facts.

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. It does seem people will get away with as much as they think they can. It is a good thing that we have people watching out for the little guy.

  2. Jeff I ran the numbers for last month we had 58 ambulance calls only 7 went to other agencies of the 7, 2 had to be covered because both of the town ambulances were covering calls already so let's change it 95%. Like I said that night I was notified to late of the meeting to prepare. Maybe if they gave more time and information I could give the correct answers!

  3. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Jeff Templeton is not a full time dept. there is not 24-7 people at the station waiting for a call ! So if your getting 75 percent that is a good thing that means people are getting out of bed on the middle of the night to make a call they might be late for work the next day but what does Templeton care !!!
