Saturday, June 4, 2016

Jeff Bennett has started this blog because I feel not all things are being done correctly in Templeton, MA. This will be an editorial type blog and will include information on the goings on in Templeton Government.

Ultimatums, demands and blackmail

I do not go to the corner nor do I go to time out, I have other options and I will use them. I think I will borrow a phrase from a good friend, "I am speaking"

Above are a couple of the first things I posted on this blog. So this is my sand box and I play the way I wish to.

 I have not really kept track as to what I have put on here with regards to what is straight fact or what is my opinion, as in how I see things. We all have em and we all see things differently, in some way or fashion. One thing you can be sure of here is this, what is posted is posted by me and only me. It is not all original content because a good bit is Massachusetts General Law, already written policies, information from places such as Massachusetts Municipal Association. The material is not posted by "Templeton Watch", it is posted by a real living person. Kind of hard for Paul H. Cosentino sr. to post anything since the man has been dead for a while. Someone has to be posting things on Pauly's Templeton watch blog, so why dosen't anyone wish to take credit for all the material put on that blog. Maybe it is run under the premise of citizens united ruling where super pacs can take in large sums of money and yet there are no names attached to them. Seems to me there is a lack of conviction there, they demand to know who comments on that blog but know one seems to take credit for the original posts, how nice. Kind of reminds me of a Massachusetts state representative who sponsored a bill to increase tax on liquor then got caught in New Hampshire with a trunk full of liquor. Demand that you pay the tax but he goes to a tax free place. Same thing, in my opinion, we have to know who you are but we don't have to fess up who we are.

posted by Jeff Bennett

1 comment:

  1. BLA BLA BLA!!!
    David Smart AT and they all know it Jeff.
    What Jeff wount tell you is this sand box he "plays in" Is just full of shit and when asked to elaborate he goes off and pins little quotes up sort of Nit pic like this Post he has here.
    Anyone can post on Pauly's Blog and they know it.
    They would know to change the poster as it is Pauly's Blog would change the Blog to the new person. I told Uncle i would leave it as a memorial so to speak.
    Something wrong with that in you sand box Jeff?
    Read any of Jeffs blog where his opinion gets in the way and you can see why i post a comment. I've been told over and over again and again don't answer him!
    I ask myself why let the twisted blogs go unanswered?
    So i do limited responses now to vent my frustration with the gossip/twisted opinions/and lacking fact blogs and comments.
    If this gets removed it will show people he thinks this is right and i will copy so as to paste it back again and again.
    David Smart Co administrator "Pauly's" Templeton Watch
    It's clear now jeff OK
