Friday, April 29, 2016

Many missteps owned by the current board of selectmen.

I believe all select boards have probably made a few errors, down right bad choices or acted in a disrespectful way, or at least one or two members have. that being said, I am referencing the Templeton Board of selectmen serving Now:

2015, the BOS voted to have a special town meeting to do end of the year transfers, the date chosen was July 27, 2015. Problem; Selectmen then check with DOR and are told if you do this on July 27, you be in violation of state law.

November 9, 2015: special town meeting transfer from fire/EMS expense to pay for snow & Ice deficit. Said there was a double appropriation and there was enough money in there to cover it.

March 2016, special town meeting, transfer money back into the fire/ems expense account because it is now short. The financial team has it in control, but do the selectmen?

Chairman John Columbus said it was the law that the building & Grounds director for NRHS be appointed to the school building committee.  963 Code of Mass regulations 2.0 says different. It says it is recommended and  suggested but not required. Only one member of the school committee is required by law to be on the committee, MGLc71 section 68.

Chairman John Columbus stated just before a vote concerning the purchase of the excavator, "if you vote against the excavator, you are voting against road projects" Really, that sounds like two different issues, an equipment purchase and use of chapter 90 money.

This board, all members, need to read their own policies and procedures, the open meeting law and take conflict of interest training, they have demonstrated on video that their understanding of it is limited.

Jeff Bennett


  1. FY16 transfers will bring the number of transfers to 47 transfers totally $507,801.50

    Great management of our money? I don't thinks so. This many transfers show a lack of good money management you think? But everything is OK say the selectmen and TA

  2. Oh just so peachy keen !! I do not for the life of me understand how the Selectmen and Mr. Markel could allow the new school to be on the ballot, with out knowing when or if we can get a bond rating. Do not count on free cash because of all of the screw ups that will be gone. Markel said we could do short term borrowing. When I asked what we would be charged for interest, he said he did not know. What a way to run a business.
