Sunday, March 6, 2016

Is there a better or different way to use taxpayer money?

Under the title "new initiatives" concerning the next budget for Town meeting is one item for $13,837.00 for a seasonal worker for the Cemetery/Parks dept. This is a worker for the summer who will probably be laid off in the fall or at the end of the grass mowing season. Question is this; how do these seasonal workers affect the cost of the town's unemployment insurance costs, if at all?
Could this work be done by contacting the Worcester County sheriffs office and use inmates to do this work. Example; Templeton Cemetery/Parks dept. could use two or four inmates to mow grass within the Town and we will need these people until the end of the season on such n such a date. No additional cost to Templeton taxpayers, other than the cost already paid to house these inmates in jail.
Inmates have been used before to do work for Cemetery dept. and inmates were used to do work preparing the building in the eastern part of Templeton in preparing it to become Town hall, so why would this arrangement not work again. Why do department heads not ask to go this route first, before asking for more employees? My opinion is, that if things like that were done in the first place, taxpayers may be more willing to listen and provide, when you go to them for an override or debt exclusion. Just a thought.

Jeff Bennett


  1. more workers so I get a bigger pay check?

  2. Which could be a good reason to put all department heads on an even scale, as in all department heads make the same salary and when it comes to raises for any employee, do not do percentages, but rather an figure, such as 25 cents or 50 cents per hour or 1000 dollars per year. Whatever number or way, make it even and percentages are nothing even. Why should someone who makes 50 thousand dollars get a larger share of the money available for a raise than someone who make 30 thousand dollars? A gallon of gasoline or a gallon of milk, a loaf of bread or a cup of coffee all costs about the same no matter what, so why not make the raises equal?
