Thursday, March 10, 2016

Advisory Board member resigns . . . . . in protest.

Mark Barrieau resigned from the Advisory Board (here in TAB) in protest of the attitude of the town administrator (herein the TA)and the board of selectmen (herein BOS). In an earlier email, which I will  post, the TA opined and some members of the BOS did as well that it was premature for the TAB to be reviewing the budget at this time as well as looking at department requests concerning budgets and new items.

Mark wrote, "In my opinion, the TAB has been nothing but helpful in the questions posed to the Templeton financial team through the Town Administrator. As you know, we have not received complete responses in a timely manner. There are many discrepancies between the BVA (budget versus actual report provided by town accountant) numbers and the 2017 proposed budget. At this point in time, more than 1/2 way through the fiscal year (2016) the BVA should agree with the numbers used as foundation for the 2017 budget. The quote of Mr. Markel as published in the Gardner News is misleading. The 2017 budget should, at this stage, agree with the numbers used to track town spending versus the budgeted amount for each account. Templeton financial controls, in my opinion, require accurate and timely information."

"Thank you and the other TAB members for your service to the taxpayers of Templeton"

very truly,

Mark Barrieau

given to the chair and handed out at open meeting last evening.

posted by Jeff Bennett

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