Thursday, February 25, 2016

Money articles;

There is usually an article at Town Meeting that generally says "to allow the Town Treasurer to borrow money, with approval from selectmen, from time to time in anticipation of the revenue from the next financial year beginning July 1 in accordance with MGL c. 44, section 4 and to issue note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with general laws chapter 44, section 17 or to take any action thereto.

You, Town meeting vote, give selectmen permission to borrow short term, (for a year or less) for any reason and no concern for those borrowing costs. If the Town had an adequate rainy day fun, would there be a need for short term borrowing.

The town does not have a real rainy day fund because there is currently no selectmen who will insist on this, just look at the record of spending for the past few years. Can you say over 300 thousand gone in 30 minutes or less? And now they want to get paid again. Probably watch for some back peddling on that and other things because there is one thing that I think scares them and that is a selectmen who has and will speak on those very things.

So there is not only a problem with the wording for the money, there also seems to be a problem with the way it was handled as it was not done as a debt exclusion long term so that has to be fixed. The thing that should really have people mad is not that there are or may be problems, but rather that no selectmen seems to be willing to speak on it, rather they seem to wish to portray a tight ship where everything is fine and working well and there is a million dollars in free cash out there waiting on you.

More transfers time and time again, just like before which in my opinion, shows there was and still is not enough money to pay for things the selectmen want or dept. heads want. Perhaps it is time to say so and address it in what ever way it takes such as sharing whatever services possible to save taxpayer dollars, as one former selectmen brought to the table on more than one occasion but the rest of the selectmen and many dept. heads did not like or support and you have to ask yourself why is that? Wait, they want to make government bigger and more expensive because they have no problem spending your money.

And the hell with the one pain in their butt there is, the Advisory Board.

Jeff Bennett

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