Saturday, February 27, 2016

Changing of the tune??

The following is an email from Templeton Town Administrator Robert Markel.

"All -
Attached is the list of new initiatives and requests from Town departments.  I thought that the Selectmen might make decisions regarding which requests will be funded on Monday night, but they need more time.  
As you can see, the departmental requests exceed available, unallocated revenue in the budget by more than $100,000.  Also, the School Superintendent informed us on Monday that the $225,000 in additional funding that I included in the budget for NRSD is not enough.  They are seeking an additional $82,000 in order to comply with DOE target shares.  
I informed department heads on Tuesday morning that they should begin meeting with the TAB to explain their budget requests.
Rm "

Perhaps this change is a result of televised meetings of the Advisory Board where members expressed frustration with an earlier email stating selectmen and Town Administrator recommending dept. heads NOT meet with the AB.

What ever the reason, this is a positive step in my opinion as a resident of Templeton. One head scratcher is under the TOWN dept. heads initiatives and requests; stipends for school committee listed under school salaries, in the amount of $9000.00 for stipends for school committee members.

There must have been a change in the law because the Town and school district are two separate legal entities which is why after the Templetonn taxpayers pay the school assessment, the town has no control of the school budget, that is the job of the school superintendent and school committee. So if school committee members want a stipend or a salary, take it out of their budget just like the light and water commissioners still do. And if that is part of the schools budget shortfall, do like the town of Templeton did, do away with stipends or salaries for all elected people. (exception is the light & water commissioners)

Since John Columbus stated when he was running for election, "the town has to be run by the book" and I think he needs to read that book, all selectmen should understand that the Templeton municipal light & water dept. really is part of the Town and they had to come crawling back to ask permission for a loan because as the DOR told them, they are NOT a separate legal entitiy but the Narragansett region school district is, the Town of Templeton is only obligated to give one pile of money and they have to dish it out where and how needed.

Jeff Bennett

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