Monday, December 21, 2015

At tonight's selectmen meeting;

It seems a secretary may be running the office and making decisions as the chairman of the board said at one point, "what is your pleasure Holly?". The subject was business licenses and what to do about some who have not turned in certain paper work or paid fees required. The secretary seems to have a problem with one business owner who went to a meeting and spoke up on his behalf and his lively hood. This is the same secretary that some members of the selectboard wish to make an assistant town administrator. Why the board will not do what the voters said to do and that is get a full time Town administrator!

There was also discussion about the original debt exclusion of $550,000.00 which apparently never went out to bond, it was simply handled by a BAN or bond anticipation note, government speak for short term borrowing, usually year to year. It was paid off by using available funds which equals to cutting into free cash, as in the big number often referred to by the town administrator. There also seems to be some question as to the payoff date for debt in regard with 252 Baldwinville Road. It has to be determined if the payoff date is in 2017 or 2019.

The police department wants to get a K-9 dog and no action on the tree growing out of the top of a building. The board does not seem to have the will or the moxy to put some pressure on the housing authority. So when you are in the area of the Tucker building, be sure to look up to watch for falling something or other. Once again, the same member was absent so we only have a 4 member  board at the meeting.

Jeff Bennett

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