Thursday, June 28, 2018

So, to recap for today;

After the recent Supreme Court ruling concerning unions and specifically, public sector unions, employees are no longer required as a condition of employment to join, pay a fee or support a union. No more force or extortion for the right to go to work.

Evening news reports that the largest member union in the state, teachers union, already have people putting together a memo of sorts informing members that they no longer have to support or belong to the union to have a job, reportedly instructing people how to opt out. The report also stated that the unions stand to lose millions of dollars.

I do not see how this ruling can be taken as anything but a move to allow people who want to work as having the freedom to decide whether to join or support a union or not. If people wish to join or support organized labor, I saw nothing in the ruling that stops them from making that choice.

On the salary comparison along with market rate statement made by Templeton select board chairman, well, that seems to be less than accurate. It is very similar to the comment made at a selectmen meeting that all towns touching Templeton, or bordering the Town, have tax rates of $20.00 per thousand, which again, is not true, and that is easily checked.

So people now have a choice when it comes to the right to work and the information put forth by at least one selectmen concerning tax rates and salaries is less than honest or true.

Looking at today's weekly Town Administrator report, the Town Accountant, treasurer/collector, police, sewer, fire / EMS have nothing to report this week, interesting. I wonder what Mr. happy pants has to report? Another 1 1/2 hour meeting complete. (someone will get that reference)

Three bids received this week in the amount of 9 million dollars of Bond Anticipation Notes (short term borrowing) for the school and police station. No mention of the fellowship man, Eric Pollitt leaving Town employment.


  1. Now if we could only get rid of the State requirement that Towns pay union wages for every damn project and we can do so much more with fewer dollars.

    How much would the school or Police station cost with prevailing wage issues. Would the Scout Hall be functional.

    Eric Pollitt leaving should be a huge wake-up call for this BOS. We had an educated, qualified individual that came to us threw a government fellowship program who was left to flounder for 9 months. No training, no promises kept, no management.
    Carter Terenzini sat within 8 feet of this man for 9 months and was clueless, bewildered when informed of Eric departure.
    Carter Terenzini was hired to Manage the Town. Managing the Town is managing people and He has failed at that task miserably. Has our BOS even noticed?

    Will anyone lead or is our entire Administration incompetent?

  2. Entire Administration both elected and appointed


    1. I remember not so long ago your time on the BOS. What a disaster you were. Horrible really. Glad your concentration is now on fluoride and electcal meters. Best to you.

  3. While reading the weekly report something struck me other than the fact that 6 departments had "nothing to report".

    Building and Grounds----------- Something was odd.......and stuck out

    6/28/2018 B&G report -------- Assistance was given @ the COA to move 2 freezers.

    so I went and looked, hmmmmmm and what did I see..............

    6/21/2018------------------ Assisted the Council on Aging with moving of freezers in the cellar of the senior center.

    Also of note is---------------- An air conditioning unit from the BOH office
    was moved to the Accounting office in town hall. Why haven't we yet installed the Mini Split AC we approved last spring ($18,500) or does it only get hot in the Accounting Office?

  4. Wow ! They moved freezers ! Did you call the news paper?
