Friday, September 15, 2017

Who is posting comments on this blog?

Who is TAB MAN Who is Ordinary Joe?

Who are the Anonymous commentators?

I really do not know, nor do I care. I do know they could be anyone, as in any resident/taxpayer of Templeton. I do not post or comment under anonymous and I own what I write. This blog was not started by someone else. This blog mostly deals with local issues as I believe that is what interests most people. As one Massachusetts U.S. Representative to congress is credited with saying "all politics is local"

When a Templeton Town employee comments the way dave smart has been doing lately, he is basically harassing Templeton Town residents with most of his comments. I know I have not signed nor am I aware of being covered under any contract which contains a conduct clause in it. dave smart states he is a union man, a union steward in Templeton and that would mean he is covered by a contract that contains a conduct clause. dave smart also stated Templeton hired unqualified employees. dave smart has also commented that Templeton highway has unreliable equipment. Now I am not sure what dave smart meant by unreliable but I know that could mean the machinery is unsafe. If the hydraulic system is unreliable, that would mean it is not safe to hoist anything, such as load a truck with sand. If the engine and braking system is unreliable, that would mean it is not safe to operate on the road ways and probably should not be operated at all. dave smart also stated Templeton highway hire unqualified employees. That could make for a good legal argument in any legal action involving any incidents or accidents involving Templeton highway equipment.

As a Town employee, dave smart has a responsibility to look out for the residents/taxpayers. I do not believe that is the case with regards to dave smart. A Templeton Town employee such as dave smart should not use his dislike and disdain for me to belittle Templeton residents, whom ever they may be. That is  an insult to those who provide dave smart with every thing he has, a paycheck, a job, free boots, tee shirts, jackets, health insurance, etc., etc.

dave smart, wrong for Templeton.

My opinion on that subject.
• Industry analysts report overall increases in construction costs in the past year of 3.4% (Engineering News Record-ENR-9/2016).

Hurricanes Irma and Harvey dis billions of dollars in damages. Can and will the industry keep up with demand in materials? Will this cause a ripple effect on construction costs here in New England?

On a different front;

This manual, prepared by the Salt Institute is dedicated to the thousands of men and women in public works agencies at all levels whose task is providing safe streets and highways during winter storms. The modern snowfighter must be accountable for meeting the community’s needs for safety and mobility, as well as the safeguarding of our environment. We commend all those agencies practicing the Safe and Sustainable Snowfighting approach to snow and ice control, which emphasizes getting the most from every application of deicing salt while maintaining the safest roads possible in the most economical way, and protecting the environment. Every winter, over 115,000 people are injured and over 1,000 are killed on snowy or icy American roads. Clear roads protect lives and commerce and salt is a necessary strategic resource. • Road salting and effective plowing can reduce injury crashes by up to 88%. • The economic impact of snow-related closures far exceeds the cost of timely snow removal. A one day major snowstorm that shuts down roads can cost a state between $300 and $700 million in indirect costs. • Deicing pays for itself within the first 25 minutes after salt is applied. Modern strategies to effectively deal with winter road hazards depend upon having the most up-to-date information of expected weather conditions, the timely deployment of anti-icing to prevent ice-pavement bonding, properly calibrated application of road salt, improved equipment, automatic spreader controls, sufficient covered storage, and stockpile logistics to make salting of roads the most effective and safest customer-driven method for snow and ice control. Environmental problems concerning use and storage of salt need not exist if there is a balanced approach to the use of salt for snow and ice control — one that demonstrates excellent practices in achieving safety, mobility and care for the environment. The Snow fighter’s Handbook was originally published in 1967. It has been widely accepted as a recommendation for proper salting procedures and techniques. The purpose of this manual is to provide the snow fighter with information and suggestions for combating winter storms. The Sustainable Snow fighting methods contained in this manual are the cornerstones of an effective winter maintenance program which will help snow fighters provide the public with the most effective snow and ice control program possible at the lowest overall cost and least impact on the environment. Two other practical publications, Highway Salt and Our Environment and The Salt Storage Handbook, are also available from the Salt Institute. Two websites, salt institute. org and safe winter, are further resources. ❅