Saturday, February 10, 2018

Templeton Board of Selectmen
Town Hall, 160 Patriots Road, East Templeton
Monday, February 12, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

1. Call the Meeting to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Public Comment

4. a. Meeting Minutes~ 1.22.18, 1.29.18
b. Executive Session Minutes~ 1.8.18, 1.22.18

5. New Business: 
a. Legislative Update: Senator Anne Gobi & Representative Susannah Whipps
b. Action RE: Appointments & Introductions
c. Action RE: Appointment of Special Town Counsel for ATB Case
d. Action RE: Dissolve Tomb Restoration & Burial Ground Committees
e. Action RE: Reconstruction of Royalston Road
f. Action RE: Declare Special Municipal Employees
g. Action RE: Open Warrant for Annual Town Meeting
h. Action RE: Meals Tax Report (E.Pollitt)
i. Action RE: Opt Out Policy
j. Action RE: LaFayette Road Acceptance
k. Action RE: Baldwinville Elementary School Disposal Advisory Committee
l. Action RE: Phillipston Joint Meeting:
i.) BoS Representative RE: Dispatch
ii.) BoS Representative RE: Date of Town Election
m. Action RE: Antenna Modification Consent~Crown Castle Cell Tower

6. Old Business:

7. Board & Staff Member Comments & Reports 

8. Request for Executive Session per M.G.L. Ch.30, Sec. 21-Union Negotiations
9. Adjournment

The listing of Agenda items is those reasonably anticipated by the Chair which may be discussed at the meeting. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent it is permitted by law.
Narragansett district reorganization advisory committee meeting at 5 P.M. on Monday, February 12, 2018 in the central office - see you there.

Not sure how a reorganization committee meeting post morphs into a new roof discussion. From what was discussed at our first meeting was what, if any suggestions can be made to the school committee regarding the opening of the new elementary school and the moving around of kids. Since I have been described as rude, offensive, small of a person etc., it may surprise some that one thing I thought should be on the table was any children with a disability, wheelchair, sight, hearing, should be given the opportunity to attend the new school, regardless of where they live, for the simple fact I feel the new school would be best equipped to serve those students. From what was discussed, anything this committee comes up with are only recommendations and everything will be up to the school committee. This is one of those meetings you should attend and listen to if you are truly concerned with your Town.

As for the roof, I think if one checks, there are portions of the rubber roof that have been replaced. There was mention of planning, budget and such and there was mention that the rubber roof will be shortly coming to it's expected life's end. Again, this is one of those committees that you should attend when they have meetings.

Remembering that the new elementary school is a Templeton only project, as Phillipston opted out of it, therefore, Phillipston should not be able to benefit from it, other than any children with disabilities.

Let us remember, when money was asked for a new roof for Templeton Center school, it was denied, several times, so now you all get to pay 47 million for a new school. As one senior resident told me, if we had taken better care of our schools, we probably would not have to be spending this large amount of money now, but we didn't, so here we are.
Since I am rude, small minded and may offend my neighbors, I thought I would remind people of this:

from the special Town Meeting of November 9, 2015

To see if the Town of Templeton will vote to appropriate, borrow or transfer from available funds, a sum of money to be expended under direction of the Selectmen to pay costs of designing, constructing and equipping a 4,000 square foot addition to and remodeling of the Templeton Police Station, located at 33 South Road, and for the payment of all other costs incidental and related thereto; or take any other action relative thereto. 
Submitted by the Board of Selectmen 

On a motion duly made and seconded the Town voted to appropriate the sum of Nine Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($975,000) to pay costs of designing, constructing and equipping a 4,000 square foot addition to and remodeling of the Templeton Police Station, located at 33 South Road, and for the payment of all other costs incidental and related thereto; said sum to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen; and to meet this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, is authorized to borrow said sum under M.G.L. 44, Section 7, or pursuant to any other enabling authority; provided, however, that no sum shall be borrowed or expended hereunder unless the Town shall have voted to exempt the amounts required for the payment of interest and principal on said borrowing from the limitations on taxes by M.G.L. 59, Section 21C (also known as Proposition 2 ½). 

Passed Unanimously/November 9th @ 8:33

from the Annual Town Meeting of May 13, 2017

To see if the Town will vote to ratify, approve and confirm the vote adopted under Article 2 of the Warrant at the November 9, 2015 Town Meeting, pursuant to which the Town voted to authorize the borrowing of Nine Hundred and Seventy Five Thousand Dollars and no cents ($975,000.00) to pay costs of designing and constructing an addition to the Police Station, including the payment of all costs incidental and related thereto; or to take any other action relative thereto. Submitted by the Board of Selectmen 2/3 Vote Required 
Advisory recommends for this article provided however that the Meeting be aware that the Town may need to use an extended borrowing in order to be able to smooth the overall tax rate as originally proposed. 
On a motion duly made and seconded the town voted that the Town ratify, approve and confirm the vote adopted under Article 2 of the Warrant at the November 9, 2015 Special Town Meeting, pursuant to which the Town voted to authorize the borrowing of Nine Hundred and Seventy Five Thousand Dollars and no cents ($975,000.00) to pay costs of designing and constructing an addition to the Police Station, including the payment of all costs incidental and related thereto. 
Passed by 2/3 vote/May 13th @ 11:49am

I have to wonder if it would be smart to first obtain authority from the residents to borrow the amount of money required to do this project, since bids have already come in over this authorization. I am thinking the selectmen/Town Administrator are using the above verbiage "all costs incidental and related there to" as a way to use the already approved funds to hire and pay for an OPM. Then they will have to ask taxpayers for more money to pay for the actual project. I would expect a great sales pitch on this subject. 

from the OPM request for services for the Town of Templeton:

 Building Info / Background 
The Town of Templeton is a suburban residential community with a population of approximately eight-thousand-thirteen (8013) residents, located in northern Worcester County. The Town of Templeton has currently approved funding of approximately nine hundred seventy five thousand dollars ($975,000) of the project to (including owner’s project manager) to renovate and construct and addition to the existing Templeton Police Station for the Town of Templeton. A design firm was hired to prepare schematic designs and a detailed renovation budget for the project. The designer worked with the Templeton Police Department through an iterative process to identify needs and refine plans that optimize functionality and economy of operation while minimizing total renovation and construction costs. Additional funding for the project will be sought at the Town Election as a ballot question on May 7th, 2018 with finally approval, should it pass the ballot, at the Annual Town Meeting on May 19th, 2018. 

If the Town already has funding for an OPM, why did they not hire one before going out to bid? Why is it after the fact, when the bid (s) came in much higher than the asked for amount? 

I believe the chapter 193, acts of 2004, construction reform law - public building projects over 1.5 million dollars.   

Section 44A1/2: Fair competition for bidders on construction

Section 44A1/2. (a) A public agency, before entering into a contract for design services pursuant to section 38D or section 38K of chapter 7, shall contract for the services of an owner's project manager to serve as the public agency's agent and consultant during the planning, design and implementation of a contract for the construction, reconstruction, installation, demolition, maintenance or repair of any building by the public agency estimated to cost not less than $1,500,000. The duties of the owner's project manager shall include, but need not be limited to, providing advice and consultation with respect to design, value engineering, scope of the work, cost estimating, general contractor and subcontractor prequalification, pursuant to section 44D1/2 or 44D3/4 when applicable

Part of Massachusetts General Law, that you may wish to read, so as to be an informed, educated and perhaps engaged resident. 

Now if I have offended any one, been rude or in your opinion, been small minded, I do not care, maybe that will be reason enough for you to attend a selectmen meeting or Town Meeting. You are aways welcome to an exciting Advisory Committee meeting. 
Some observations;

Watched the joint meeting with Phillipston. To this observer it was obvious that Phillipston has 1. NO lead in its water or any other chemical that makes one stupid. 2.They have engaged and observant residents who ask the best questions 3. Have Selectmen that use their position to advocate for their residents. 4. Have no desire to open their well managed finances to dig out Templeton's poor decisions ( as they shouldn’t ) . 5. I really like Phillipston

After reading the above, my opinion is the Town of Phillipston ride Templeton taxpayers like a rented mule.

Look at dispatch service, Templeton taxpayers pay at a minimum of $340,000.00 for dispatch, while Phillipston pays in the $60,000.00 range for the exact same service. A smart move, which begs the question, if it works so well for Phillipston, why would it not work for Templeton? Write one check without the other expenses, building maintenance, labor contracts, health insurance and retirement to name a few. Again, it works for one Town so why not the other? If Phillipston manages their finance so well, perhaps Templeton should follow suit, as in compare or look at another Town? 

The senior center/ community center is another Templeton taxpayer entity that Phillipston is using without funding part of it, to the best of my knowledge, that question never went to Phillipston Town Meeting. Why would it if you can get the milk free without buying a cow?

Phillipston also has few full time employees, they use Templeton Town accountant on a part time basis. Perhaps they do not have people running for selectmen that put out signs like "save dispatch" when trying to get elected or re-elected, as in looking out for one self rather than the finances of Templeton taxpayers. That save dispatch sign use to be on Haey Brooks face book page but I could not say if it is there any longer. 

When selectmen go to Town meeting and are very obvious about trying to shut down discussion on any subject, my thought is those selectmen need to go! You may wish to watch the police station project closely, if you wish to be an engaged, observant resident.