Description of alleged violation:
Describe the alleged violation that this complaint is about. If you believe the alleged violation was intentional, please say so and include the reasons supporting your belief.
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April 1 1, 2016 @ 20:00 (8:00 P.M.), discussion turned to the budget, 2 members stepped down from the table, presumably because of relatives working for the Town, leaving only two members remaining. This js a five member board with one member having been pretty much absent for the past year. The explanation given of how only 2 members, less than a quorum, can have a meeting, Rule of Necessity was given. It was explained when members have a conflict, this rule allows for the remaining members to continue, even without a quorum. This is the second time this has been done and there are recordings showing this. I have been present at both meetings. Since the selectmen began an open meeting with a quorum but then go to less than a quorum and give a false reason as to why they are allowed to continue, at two different meetings. Since the agenda is made up ahead of time, at least 48 hours, there seems to be ample time for members to state they may have a conflict and to check with either Town Counsel or the Massachusetts Attorney Generals office or the State Ethics Commission on this to determine a legal course of action. There seems to be a pattern with this Board of Selectmen when it comes to the rules and I believe it needs to be corrected. There may not be facts to show this is intentional, but I believe it is serious enough to warrant action by the Office of the Attorney General.
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The Templeton Board of Selectmen to publicly admit the error, apologize to residents and receive training with regards to the open meeting law. I believe having a meeting or continuing a meeting of a five member board with only two members officially sitting at the table while giving a false reason as to why they can proceed shows a lack of knowledge of the Open Meeting Law and perhaps lack of respect for it. We have rules, laws and procedures and public officials need to know and follow them.
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Public Record. Under most circumstances, your complaint, and any documents submitted with your complaint, will be considered a public record and available to any member of the public upon request. In response to such a request, the AGO generally will not disclose your contact information.
ll. Consulting With a Private Attorney.
The AGO cannot give you legal advice and is not able to be your private attorney, but represents the public interest. If you have any questions concerning your individual legal rights or responsibilities you should contact a private attorney.
Ill. Submit Your Complaint to the Public Body.
The complaint must be filed first with the public body. If you have any questions, please contact the Division of Open Government by calling (617) 963-2540 or by email to
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