Wednesday, December 14, 2016

an email from Kent Songer who is the Templeton sewer department manager. I too shae his concern over what is going on with regards to the sewer department and the selectmen's apparent take-over attempt.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kent Songer <>
Date: Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 7:23 AM
Subject: Audit visit
To: Mark <>, Tom Jeleniewski <>, Bobby <>
Cc: John Caplis <>, Selectmen John Columbus <>, Julie Richard <>, Selectmen Doug Morrison <>, Selectwoman Diane Haley Brooks <>, Wilfred Spring <>

Morning guys:

One of the members of the audit team came down to begin the review of our books and procedures.  We had about 15 minutes notice from Kate(who also didn't know they were coming).  I almost put him off to another day, but told him to come down.  When he arrived I met him and asked him if coming without notice was common practice.  I told him if we knew before hand, we could have gathered the information he needed to facilitate the process.  He said he was surprised that we didn't know he was coming and that we should have been told.  We provided him with all of the information we could on no notice.  He said he would come back Thursday after we exhume some paper records from the archives. 

You have to wonder and worry why Carter can write a long letter specifically to me, which includes quotes from MGL and Town Bylaws when he wants to gain control over our budget, but he can't send a one sentence email notice that would aid the financial and management review that he hopes we will help pay for?

I am writing this to you and copying the Board of Selectmen and Advisory Board Chairman for 2 reasons.  The first is that I am not convinced that the full board is aware of everything Carter is up to, and secondly I want a written record to substantiate my actions in what is building up to be a stormy and contentious budget process.


posted by Jeff Bennett
Attempt to repeat history? ? ?

Recently there seems to be talk about the selectmen interfering with the sewer department. Selectmen seem to have gotten the idea they can take over and sewer funds to help bail them out with their screwed up spending plan presented to town meeting back in May. I believe it was referred to as a balanced budget. I have ideas who may be guiding at least one selectmen and it seems to be the plan that was tried in the past: selectmen become sewer commissioners and then selectmen will have control of the sewer budget and get their hands on the betterment funds. (in my opinion) There is a substantial amount of money in the Templeton sewer betterment fund and the exact amount shoulld be available from the Templeton Town accountant..


  Betterments and special assessments are special property taxes. Anticipated revenues from apportioned and un-apportioned betterments and special assessments, including committed interest, are treated as estimated receipts when setting the tax rate and actual receipts are credited to the general fund unless:

 A. Enterprise Fund An enterprise fund has been adopted under G.L. Ch. 59 §53F½ for the capital improvement or facility for which the assessments are made. If so, the revenue belongs to the enterprise.

B. Estimated Sewer Assessments The revenue is from estimated sewer assessments made under G.L. Ch. 83 §15B for a sewer treatment plant or facility. If so, the revenue is reserved for appropriation to pay for the cost of constructing the plant for which the assessments are made or the debt service on the plant.

C. Special Act Betterment Reserves Special legislation specifically authorizes the betterment and special assessment revenue to be reserved for appropriation to pay for debt service or other purposes.

A thought on this subject is why the selectmen do not take the same approach to the light and water department? Templeton light & water is not a legal separate entity from the Town. Selectmen have a letter from the Massachusetts department of Revenue stating that.

posted by Jeff Bennett