Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Hi all Advisory committee members,

For some reason we were not on distribution for the email for Open Meeting Law and Conflict of Interest Law documents when they were sent in March.  Please take some time to fill out this paper work and send the required forms to the Town Clerk. I will followup at the July 12th 2017 committee meeting as an additional reminder.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Richard Curtis <emd@templeton1.org>
Date: Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 9:29 AM
Subject: Conflict of Interest / Open Meeting Law 2017
To: templetonadvisoryboard@gmail.com
Cc: "townclerk templeton1.org" <townclerk@templeton1.org>

It appears that I left your Board off the mailing list when I sent out the 2017 Open Meeting Law and Conflict of Interest Law materials in mid-March. Please read Attachment #1, which gives instructions of how to complete this process.
Please have all Advisory Board Members send in the acknowledgement form (COI) and certificate of receipt form (OML) to the Town Clerk no later than July 10, 2017.
If you have questions concerning this process, feel free to call me.
Richard Curtis, EMD
1 Elm Street
Baldwinville, MA 01436
(978) 580-6620
Rich Curtis was designated/volunteered to be  the Town liaison for this (these) items.

Pound this - as an FYI:

According to the general by-laws of Templeton/ capital planning/improvement:

Article XLII - Capital Planning By-Law:

Section 2: Committe duties:
To facilitate the reasonable acquisition and replacement of capital items (defined as assets and projects with a useful life of five years and a cost of MORE than $10,000.00.)

So, if say the board of selectmen vote to allow highway to spend up to $10,000.00 for say a snow plow, does that need to go before capital planning? Now, if the amount spent on a snow plow ends up at say $8,500.00, was this by-law violated? I think not!

Interesting to read further on;

It is the intent of this by-law that all capital improvements requested by a town department or board should be considered in the committee's report before presentation to the Town for appropriation. That would be Town Meeting, so what if a purchase does not go before Town Meeting? Does that item still need to go before capital planning? Since the language is should rather than must or shall, it indicates that it is not a must requirement, more like a recommendation, in my opinion.

posted by Jeff bennett