What was/is in the fiscal year 2018 budget book: versus Town meeting report on Town website.
Town Meeting Warrant - Selectmen: $258,750
from budget book
Town Administrator Salary $110,000.00
assistant to Town administrator $38,295.00
assistant to town administrator $ 2,016.00
assistant to T/A - overtime 756.00
employee support $ 9,250.00
legal services $60,000.00
employee physicals 1,500.00
P.O. Box 125.00
Town Forrester 5,000.00
Office Supplies 2,500.00
reserve for equity, marit, COLA 10,000.00
posteage 500.00
MMA dues 1,250.00
advertising 1,500.00
annual Town report 2,250.00
supplemental financials 2,125.00
Town Meeting - accountant $138,500.00
from budget book
Town accountant salary $68,141.00
assistant town accountant 17,745.00
assistant town accountant 700.00
employee support 3,250.00
purchase of services/audit 28,000.00
Vadar support 15,325.00
OPEB calculation software 5,000.00
note: 28K for fy2017/ plan $32,500.00 for FY2018 audit
town accountant supplies $500.00
from fiscal year 2018 budget book
deputy assessor salary $58,011.00
treasurer/collector salary $57,225.00
town clerk salary $54,834.00
Fire chief salary - total $72,000.00
Health agent salary $53,036.00
Building commissioner $31,824.00
DPW director /highway 60% $43,206.00
DPW director B/G $28,804.00
total $72,010.00
library director salary $31,200.00
posted by Jeff Bennett
All material on this blog is directed to members of the general public and is not intended to be read by my fellow Board members, nor do I intend for any readers to convey such material directly or indirectly to my fellow Board members.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
david smart3:22 PM
If the chairman had asked that certain way it most likely would have been done.
If she had it electronically? Or to print it was easier why not.
She did what was requested.
If the advisory has any funds left over they should pony up for the unforeseen cost of the winter,and expenses.
Or how about to add to the unforeseen fleet expenses we have had the last few months after such a unforeseen hard winter.
Pony up AC Templeton needs your help again.
So the Snow and ice budget is ok at 125k?
No change?
If she had it electronically? Or to print it was easier why not.
She did what was requested.
If the advisory has any funds left over they should pony up for the unforeseen cost of the winter,and expenses.
Or how about to add to the unforeseen fleet expenses we have had the last few months after such a unforeseen hard winter.
Pony up AC Templeton needs your help again.
So the Snow and ice budget is ok at 125k?
No change?
The above shows, in my opinion, that little davey does not know or understand how things work. The Advisory Committee has no power to put money here or there. Any funds left over from Advisory expense fund goes where left over money goes, it reverts to the general fund. The Town's reserve fund was lowered this year as well, so what was that money used to cover?
In the FY2018 budget book, it has a Town Administrator recommend snow & Ice $140,000.00 and the posted warrant has this:
Note: (1) Contains $10,000 Reserve Transferrable by BoS for Non-Union Merit & Equity Raises
(2) Contains $35,000 transferable reserve for emergency & unforeseen circumstances (MGL Ch. 40 S. 6)
The Town website for the annual town meeting of May 13, 2017 has snow & Ice appropriation of $132.500.00, either way, it is not $125,000.00
Maybe selectmen can help you out davey!
In the FY2018 budget book, it has a Town Administrator recommend snow & Ice $140,000.00 and the posted warrant has this:
Note: (1) Contains $10,000 Reserve Transferrable by BoS for Non-Union Merit & Equity Raises
(2) Contains $35,000 transferable reserve for emergency & unforeseen circumstances (MGL Ch. 40 S. 6)
The Town website for the annual town meeting of May 13, 2017 has snow & Ice appropriation of $132.500.00, either way, it is not $125,000.00
Maybe selectmen can help you out davey!
The vote of the Advisory Committee was to ask for the general ledger and it is preferred electronically and I was designated by the Chairman to put forth the request. There was a "thank you in advance for assistance" Electronically saves paper and time. General ledger material has been sent electronically in the past. As I stated previously, little davey is the apparent spokes person for highway and the selectmen and in my opinion, davey needs to go ask how things work before he speaks.
posted by Jeff Bennett
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