Saturday, February 15, 2020

Seems like they do things right over in Sterling, MA:
from Annual Town Report 2018 -Town Meeting.
ARTICLE 3. Set Salary of Municipal Light Board
MOTION MADE by Rich Lane that the Town vote to set the salary of the Sterling Municipal Light Board members as follows:
Chairman $1,500; Clerk $1,500; Third member $1,500; said sum to be an expense of the Sterling Municipal Light Department.
ARTICLE 15. Water Dept. Operation Enterprise Fund 
MOTION MADE by Bill Tuttle that the Town vote
to appropriate the sum of $912,586 from water department revenue, and further to appropriate $40,000 from 40 Water Enterprise Retained Earnings, for extraordinary or unforeseen expense as determined by the DPW Board and approved by the Finance Committee, for a total appropriation of $952,586 to operate the Water Department Enterprise Fund for Fiscal Year 2019 under the provisions of 
Chapter 44, Section 53F1/2,
Maybe Templeton needs to undue some special legislation and create a real DPW and have Water with Sewer?
Sterling, Ma Light Department - 2018 Annual Town Report.
Other community activities/contributions sanctioned by the SMLD Light Board:
 Our Annual Open House normally held the 3rd Thursday in April.
 Installed new LED holiday lights on the town common.
 Install pole, cable and lighting needed to power the Sterling Fair.
 Provide funds for annual inspection and maintenance for all town owned generators.
 Offer the round-up program to our customers to benefit the Sterling Neighbor-toNeighbor (N-2-N) Program. Since the program began in June 2014, your generous contributions have raised over $12,000 for the Neighbor-to-Neighbor Fund.
 Working with the Energy Committee the SMLD provided funding to complete the replacement of lighting with LED at the Fire Department, Senior Center and Police Department. The new lighting uses up to 67% less energy to operate.
 Installed a new generator and power cables at the Senior Center.