Sunday, January 28, 2018

Class 11 - used car dealers license and Class 111 - motor vehicle junk license granted to
 Franklin Park Enterprises, LLC  at 411 Baldwinville Road,
 both licenses scheduled to expire December 31, 2017. Nice to see our board of selectmen on the ball and ensuring there are no funny things involved. I wonder if Master Fortes asked about citizenship papers being in order? Seems like Templeton board of selectmen bordering on corruption within Town government. (in my opinion anyways) There seems to be a pattern of planning board and selectmen in collusion on where tax dollars go. (that is my opinion) Too bad there is no independent selectmen on the board, as in no go along to get along.


  1. Anonymous10:32 PM

    I see Lancaster Ma location has both class II and class lll ........ I wonder who has a class lll close by in Templeton?

  2. Anonymous10:42 PM

    For the building portion of the recycling . Like in Lancaster a building for dismantling and scavenger of parts . How convenient it’s next door .
