Monday, October 7, 2024

 What happened with the infield groomer town meeting approved?

Select Board meeting of July 25, 2018.

John Caplis chairman.

g. Action RE: Lawn Tractor, Infield Groomer & Associated Retrofits~

 Fortes requested this item be taken first as Mr. May had a comment on it. This item was taken before item A. Morrison asked when and how the item came to be changed. Carter explained that the company had no recollection of giving the original quote as it had been so long, and they had him come out to give a new quote. Rick Moulton from NRSD was in attendance and gave his professional opinion on the machine quoted. Carter said he believes this is the same machine that NRSD uses on their fields. Haley Brooks asked Scott Dill of the Rec Committee to come forward and explain what was discussed. Scott explained that this equipment will work well for the purpose it is needed for and right now they do not have equipment to use for grooming the fields. Mr. May made a comment and cursed then Caplis interrupted him and stated that he heard him loud and clear and understood what his point was. Much discussion regarding whether the Capital Planning Committee should review this. Haley Brooks moved to approve the purchase of a John Deere tractor with attachments as proposed with the extended warranty at the cost of approximately $16,500.00; as seconded by Morrison. Fortes abstained. Motion carries 3-0.

One example of selectmen overriding town meeting vote.


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    One thing I would also point out.

    We, in Capital Improvement Committee approved a $22,000 self contained infield groomer. The administration bought a $3200 pull behind attachment. The tractor purchased in this package was for Building and grounds, not for the groomer. The old tractor they had $1000 work done to is the one they used for the groomer attachment.
    Rather than a professional infield grooming machine valued at $22,000 Recreation recieved a used tractor and a $3200 pull behind groomer. This old tractor that was said to be fine to pull the groomer has been used for mowing, grooming and anything else they needed.

    Now we are required to buy another overpriced John Deere tractor rather than a basic
    lawn mower so we can pull infield groomer.....

    This also shows that Capital Improvements review and approval means nothing as it can be overridden by a non town entity who has no say over Templeton Parks (Rick Moulton) who was employed at District School.....

  2. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Previous post by RTM

  3. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Wow. It's a whole new cast of characters in 2024, but I have no doubt the majority of the BoS think there's no problem here. Crummy back door deals notwithstanding.

  4. Anonymous5:09 PM

    This kind of disregard for Town Meeting Vote should be against the law. Over and over again these things are done. Who does it cost ? You and I. Legally, the Town Administrator or the Board of Selectmen have no right or authority to override a Town Meeting vote as far as I can see.
