Monday, September 23, 2024


  1. Sure sounds like what goes around, has come around ! Anyone who bought loom they thought was clean got hurt, big time !

  2. Please watch the Templeton Board of Health Meeting, on TCTV youtube, or Channel 8, Monday Sept 23. There is so much residents should be aware of. Especially if you drink town water.

  3. Anonymous2:54 PM

    When you read all the information, reviews of studies it seems like every single argument for flouridation is to prevent 25% of cavities, but also that every study regarding problems with the flouridation are reviewed by the government as lacking something. This while the rational for putting flouride in water systems goes from 1.2 mg/l to .7mg/l a cut of 41% and they believe it's safe, because they don't believe anything but thier studies!

    Ask, what would happen if flouride was not placed in water systems

    Flouride in toothpaste and rinses in medical grade.
    Flouride added in water systems is industrial waste grade
